i am going to post about my piercings under a cut
as of right now, i have 18 piercings. 7 in my left ear, three in my nose, and 8 in my right ear. this is a lot of piercings, i know. but i am not quite done yet. this is my left ear:
this was taken the day that i got my industrial pierced.
this is my nose:
i have really bad skin here, i know. this was taken the day i got my high nostrils done.
my right ear taken just now.
so here's a timeline, for shits and giggles:
1990 - birth
1993 - first lobe piercing
2002- second lobe piercing
2003 - third lobe piercing
2005 - infection and removal of left third lobe piercing
- reinsertion of left third lobe piercing
- fourth lobe piercing
2006 - diy nose piercing
- removal of diy nose piercing
2008 - nostril piercin
- double helix piercing
- snug piercing
- right fifth lobe piercing
- industrial
- high nostrils
- rook
yeah, that's ten in, what, nine months? i'm not done though. i plan on getting my 19th piercing on my 19th birthday, march 19th. it'll be a daith:
in my left ear.
then will be an anti-tragus in my right ear:
maybe a vertical tragus on my left ear, i'm not sure yet:
and if i lose some more weight, a double horizontal navel piercing:
and once i'm all done with that, i need to get my left third lobe redone (it's crooked) and my right fifth lobe redone (it's too close to my fourth). i'm also toying with the idea of an inner conch (but probably won't do it) or another set of lobes, so i'd have 5 in my left ear and six in my right.
this is a lot, i know.
(i was going to write little stories about each piercing that i've gotten, but it's too cold for that now, so maybe later)