Feb 14, 2009 01:13
Piplup, Pip? Piplup, Piplup!
Okay...having barely avoided the catastrophe that was the last virus, though I'll always wonder who I might've been had I turned human, I think I understood what the penquin said-why are you up on the roof, Dawn? It's way past your bedtime!
...No reason, Goma! I'm just up here to look at the stars and think a bit!
...(audible, light crying is heard seconds later) About why I can't be happy like Ash is! He told me the last time we talked that it's nearly been a year since he met his girlfriend and they're doing fantastic together!
Oh, Dawn...! It's like you've been saying to pretty much everyone-no need to worry! There's someone out there for you who'll make you just as happy as Ash is!
Piplup, Pip! Lup, Piplup!
What Piplup said! Come on...it's pretty cold, so let's head back to our room and get some sleep.
But...but it's nearly been three months since I told Zoey how I felt and I've tried to be patient about it...I really have; I even sent my mistletoe to Colette so it would quit bugging me! Maybe I should just...!
STOP RIGHT THERE! Don't even think about finishing that sentence, or I'll find that one Team Rocket guy and bring him here! I don't know how I'd do it, but I'll do it somehow! Is he even considered a bad guy?
Lup, Piplup! (Piplup shakes his head; no way is James considered bad, to say nothing of being hostile!)
...Thank you, Piplup! You too, Goma! (Dawn tearfully hugs them both tightly)