Massive (kinda) Everyone loves Shirota post.

Jun 30, 2008 11:55

D-boys appeared on NepLeague (yeah yeah old news, REVIEW HERE) and Miki pimps. So does Zukki, Igarashi admits that he's been "peeping" at Shirotan and gets his revenge for the ball on ball action, Tomo is legal \:D/, Kaji is surprised, Channaka is cute, Jun loves his family <3 and George's b-day entry and Gal Sone get booted from this entry. Yanagi's posts are booted to a separate post while he reflects on his behaviour. Changed my mind.. kinda XD
Usui gains tons of points in my book for mentioning Shirota's graduation which is the first sign that he's probably still with WE. Sorry that "D-boys hugged him and cried" just didn't cut it for me nor that he was dropped from the show for Osaka performances.

D-boys & Miki

Watanabe Miki aka our ruler

2008-05-02  : NepLeague
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It's the D-boys team!

It airs 25th May!

2008-05-03  : It was amusing
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Ishihara Yoshizumi-san and Yamamoto Mona-san from Neptune team

Shirota Yuu, Wada Masato, Suzuki Hiroki, Nakamura Yuuichi and Usui Masahiro from (the) D-boys Team

For the quiz, because of things like the age difference, there was an generation gap, I think it's become a must see, (at least) once.

2008-05-17  : Pamphlet Talk
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The talks to be used in the pamphlet continues.
This day, there's the writer Habara Daisuke-san, producer Kayano Isamu-san [1], Araki Hirofumi who plays the role of Wasaeda manager Aimoto, Shirota Yuu who plays a character with the (internet) handle "Waseda". [2]  With this four people, a good discussion emerged.

A serious discussion developed about the awareness, etc between the youth at the time of the final Waseda-Keio game and the youth of Shirota and the others' present day,

[1] This is the same Kayano-san that both Tomo and Yanagi mentioned.
His nikki is here, there's quite a few pictures of D-boys on it from the last D-stage and Air Gear. (i.e there's mostly Kaji XD )

[2] I guess for those of you that have never seen Hackers or the Matrix or aren't (maybe) native English speakers. It literal says handlename, and it's just the name you use on forums/chatrooms, it's like "login name" /user id, but, it usually isn't password or linked to your e-mail. Theory: Long pointless note makes up for roughly translated entry.

Suzuki Hiroki aka Zukki

2008-05-04  : Debut ♪
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How's everything?

And today, these members are recorded for a variety programme!

Alsoo, it was ridiculously fun.

Please look forward to the broadcast ♪

Nakamura Yuuichi aka Channaka

2008-05-24  :  Variety
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Today, these fiver people recorded for a variety programme. ε=ヾ(*~▽~)ノ  [1]

Iyaa It was funnnn (*⌒▽⌒*)

Please look forward to the broadcast. (〃▽〃)

[1] Same as Zukki's but, with more formal speech.

2008-06-08  : Shirotan!
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Today, I took this picture with Shirotan at practice. (*⌒▽⌒*)

He was his usual interesting self. ('◇')ゞ

It was easy for me to study. (≧ω≦)b  [1]

[1] I assume he means Shirota.

Igarashi Shunji aka Nya aka Yufune

2008-05-31  : Jonni jr [0]
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Hello. It's Igarashi who has stolen Shirotan's Johnny joke.
I practiced alone so I wouldn't be exposed to everyone.
While, I want this face to be Johnny's little brother, the name is troublesome.…(^^ゞ
I wonder what sort of names would be good?

[0] Now most of you know about Johnny's, in Japanese it's spelt jannisu or jyannisu and I don't think this is what Igarashi is talking about even though they have a large group of kids that have not debuted called Johnny's Junior.
>_> i dunno, I really don't. The only other "Johnny" I can think of is Johnny Depp.
You'll see why in a bit.

2008-06-09  : Voyeur
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Recently, for filming, there's been a lot of rain so we've been on standby.

As such, separated by about three metres, I've been spying on Shirota.
The latest keitai [1]are amazing naa. (^_^)

※ I received permission from the person for this photo. Everyone, spying is absolutely wrong, so please stop. *laugh*

[1] Mobile phones

2008-06-11  : I totally did it
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Today, at Rookies (filming), the unthinkable occurred. (>_<)

Right now, I'm (back to) being fine! [1]

Those than want to know the details in full, please go to Shirotan's blog. *laugh* [2]

[1] literally "became genki"
[2] Translation, somewhere in this entry, you should read it before you read the next entry. Look for a pic of Shirota standing over Igarashi.

2008-06-13  : Shirota-kun's misfortune...
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In the good weather, filming was progressing well.
But (then) this incident occurred.
We finished performances, Shirota-kun also known as Shinjo also known as Johnny and Igarashi-kun known as Yufune also known as Nya were playing catch.
Igarashi-kun threw the ball to Shirota-kun
Then, right before Igarashi-kun's eyes, something irregular happened... (On the uneven ground, the ball bounced in an unexpected direction)
Shirota-kun, who's "catch level" has reached 24, posed with his glove as if to say "I'm ready ♪" [1]
Then in the next instant, the ball, went just a little above the glove to what could be called Johnny's life, his face.

No way.... …( ̄▽ ̄;)

In the next instant, Shirota-kun silently crumpled to the ground.
He was hit right in the face, to a 45° angle to his right cheekbone.

Then, rushing over to my sempai's side, my "PLEASE HELPPP~!!!" resounded in my ear.

Surely, in his head a melody streamed [2]

Shirota-kun, aka Shinjo aka Johnny, bearing his pain said in a strange voice, "Come one more time!". [3]

Then we safely finished our break of playing catch.

Filled with worry, Igarashi-kun aka Yufune aka Nya thought he had better cool off, what his eyes saw were, Shirota-kun aka Shinjo aka Johhny (who was miraculously hit in the face at a 45 degree angle)'s swollen cheek. [4]

You did your best ne! Good job ☆  *laugh*
Properly cooled down.

[1] Actually it's the same sort of "yay yay" thing Shirota had, but, it doesn't sound right in this situation.
[2] You know when in cartoons they see birds or stars?
[3] Mou ichoi koi?
[4] It's better in Japanese obviously, but, I got really tired and just tried to leave it in the same format so it still matches Shirota's entry.

Kaji Masaki aka ji-ka

2008-06-26: What's going on? 2  [0]
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This is what I discovered  backstage.
This is the "listless members' faces (found) during the break that I'm placing on my blog" Series.
This time, when I went to our dressing room, I didn't really understand what he was doing, immediately, I went back.

Shiro○Yuu-kun [1]

Today, sitting in this gymnastics position, without saying anything, looking directly at the camera, Shiro○kun.
After that, without saying a word, he left the room.

[0] Part one involved Araki's unkempt hair
[1] I dunno lol, He did the same for the "Hiro" in Araki's name. Usually on boards they do something similiar to avoid being sued for slander.

Yanagi Koutarou aka Yanako

2008-06-11  : Backstage~
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This occurred backstage

A strange photo phenomenom

Above (my) head, an ikemen [1]

came out.   *laugh*

[1] ikemen, good-looking guy
Yanagishita Tomo aka Shimo

2008-06-04: After practise...
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Today also, I practised with all of my might. (^∀^)ノ

Recently, my body... [1]
It's that sort of feeling, but, everyone while boosting each other, (we're) trying our hardest!

Everyone wants to put out good work, (so) I'll do it even if it kills me!

Really, please look forward to it ☆

When practice ended, when I was doing nothing....

Shirota-san began to sing, ♪HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU~♪

(then) moreover, everyone began to sing together.

They gave me a birthday surprise!

Yesterday, my family did it and today in the training room...

It was the best birthday ever. ☆☆☆☆

I'm so grateful to everyone.

The guestbook comments too, A lot of people wrote messages...

Everyone that's always supporting me, thank you. ☆

When practice was over and I was preparing to go home, I received an invitation from the director, Kayano-san for a meal. He took me to a shop near the hall that served delicious Chijimi. [2]

And then!! Since I was already twenty...

Kayano-san and I drank beer. (^∀^)ノ

It was a kinda weird feeling (^^)

The beer was bitter ( ̄▽ ̄;)  *laugh*

It was the same taste when I was little and my father would give me a sip. (>_<)

I wonder if it'll ever reach the point when I'll say beer taste delicious~(^ー^)

Then!! The main point, the Chijimi!!!

This was amazingly tasty!!!!!!

Yanagi was also with me, for the two of us,
it was the first time we've ever eaten such chijimi!!!

(We were) that excited ヾ(≧∇≦*)〃

It was really delicious ♪


From today, I'm 20!!!

From now on, I'm going to try my best. ☆

Without forgetting the feeling of gratitude from all the people that celebrated with me.... [3]

[1] He trails off, not finishing the sentence
[3] Tomo likes to no end his sentences XD
But, the most logical thing was he was saying:
"I'll try my best!
I'll try my best without forgetting the grateful feeling from everyone that congratulated me."


Shirota Jun aka Eduardo (via his and Kei's Alma blog)

2008-05-  :
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Visiting our Obaachan [1] on our father's side from Kyuushu, Yuu and I got on a train together.
It had been a long time since we got on the train as brothers.
(It was a) nostalgic feeling.. Obaachan seemed to be doing well [2]
(We'll) go see her again 〜(^^)


[1] Grandmother.
[2] My new way of saying genki XD

2008-06-22  :
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Yesterday, I took K-kun along to my little sister's birthday party.
Feliz cumpleanos Lina.
Happy 9th birthday.
From now on, (I hope) you'll continue to grow up happily and healthily. (^_-)


[x] I can't help but, feel I butchered this entry even though it was so simple v_v

George Miyao

2008-06-29  : Last Game!!
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Konbanwa!! [1]
Yesterday, from dawn, I trained intensely with Hori-kun [2], then in the afternoon, I went to see Yuu's stage, "Last Game".
The subject was the final Waseda-Keio game, since I'm from Waseda myself, I found the subject interesting *laugh!! [3]

[1] Goodnight
[2] Name disclaimer.
[3] I didn't think anyone cared about  the rest of this entry and it's already at a TL;DR lenght, rabid YamaPi fans will be interested in knowing that in the pic with George and Jun, is Mocchann. Mocchann is the singer. Some of you are probably wondering whyyyy I'm talking about Mocchann. CLICK HERE
Long story short, Jin went out with a bunch of people including YamaPi, Yuu, Jun, George and Mocchan and someone ALLEGEDLY kicked a stalker. And no one knew who George or Mocchan were.
Damn I ended typing more than I intended to. Mocchan is the singer for GiFt which is also signed to the same label Alma.
Jun and Mocchan @ alma blog

2008-06-29 : ROOKIES
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Today it rained, and we were on standby for half day (when  the match) was suspended.
It can't be help though. Yesterday, I recorded Rookies so I was able to watch it at my leisure today.
I'm totally into this show!! I want to see a sequel soon!

Tomorrow, I'll should be able to play! I'm going to try my hardest!

Graduation Stuff

Since Usui mentioned Shirota's grad, he got included in this batch. It was really weird as there's this Japanese fan blog that I read and the first she knew of the graduation was from reading this entry.
She pretty much expressed the same sentiments as foreign fans, "he was one of the first members", "great sense of loss" and my favourite "who will keep Yanagi in check?"
Even on mixi, it was strange to see that there were the same reactions as in our communities. Although, the report we got was better than the one that I saw on 2chan. lol

Usui Masahiro

2008-05-21: Recently~

Today, we're also shooting.

It's nighttime so
we're going to do our besttt

Recently, i'm into Owarai [1]

i'll be appearing as part of the D-boys Team on my sempai [2] at work, Neptune-san's show, NepLeague.

I'tll broadcast next week, so really hope you don't miss it.

Well then, that was my announcement♪

Adieu ♪♪

[2] senior

2008-06-28: Change of Pace ♪♪
Pic :1


D-boys D-stage Vol 2 -Tokyo Performances -

It was senshuuraku!  [1]

...........At the time,

Shirota-san graduated from D-boys!

(Those) at the theatre were probably surprised.

Together with everyone that came to see us,

to be able to send off Shirota-san

I feel truly happy!

Shirota-san, omedetou gozaimasu!!  [2]

And well now,

after a long time, I have a day OFF [3]

In this change of pace,

I went to the botanical gardens ♪

Just then, I came across this old lady that had an exhibition of etegami [4] ♪

Pretty naaa☆☆

[1] Final day/performance
[2] Congratulations
[3] Off In English
[4] "e" means art/drawing and tegami means letter.


wada, shirota, george!balls, yanagi, shirojun, shirojin, kaji, tomo talks aloottt, igarashi, channaka, usui, miki is love

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