The flood gates open.

Oct 04, 2007 13:22

2007-08-31: (∪o∪) 。。。

Pic: Nope

The stop over at the Hanazakari location passed safely and I went back to Tokyo.
Today I have a shuzai [1] again, it’s about Heat Island. I think it’s going to be a hot topic.
Good nighttt (^_-)-☆

[1] As before, shuzai, doesn’t specifically mean interview or photoshoot

2007-09-01: 犬顔家


Oha ☆
Today, after the shuzai, I went to see 犬顔家の一族の陰謀 [1] with my manager!
One of my co-stars from the (upcoming) stage Take Flight, Ikeda Narushi was appearing ☆
It was very amusing ♪
When it ended, I went to the dressing room to be introduced, but, both persons were kakkoi dandy adults (laughs).
After I met up with a kouhai from senior high school, Katsudzi Ryou [2] )who was also in this play) and co-starred with me in Haken no Hinkaku.
It was a long time since we last met ☆
He was playing the role of a fresh young boy. It was amusing (laughs)
After the play ended, after a long time, I met my mother and younger sister, whom I had introduced in a previous blog. They had returned from Spain [3]I went to LINA [4]. The (number of) things like cute western clothing had increased greatly. As expected, they’re direct imports form Spain ne! (laughs)
I wanted to buy men’s stuff, but, I’m afraid to say that LINA doesn’t stock anything other than women’s western clothes (laughs)
Everyone has become dark in a way that says 「I was on vacation~(^O^)/」
That made me feel envious… Next year, I want to go back to Spain again. .. iya, to return (laughs) [5]
Thus, (the first picture) is of the cute clothes I spoke of ♪

The second, (Me) with Rinatan who has recently returned (after) becoming dark. ☆

The third, silly *sigh* pet dog LalaPi- ★
The fourth, silly *sigh* pet dog Memetan ☆

[1] This translates loosely to something like conspiracy of the household of Inukaoya (Kanji reads Dog Face House) Clicking here might help:

or not.

[2] 勝地涼

[3] I did some serious rephrasing here.

[4] His mom’s and older sister’s boutique. See pic here:

[5] The same kanji is used for to return and to “go home”

2007-09-02: Nyaha ☆

Pic: Shirota drinking oolong tea.

Yahoo (^O^)/
Somehow errr. . . That (recently) everyday was a moushobi [1] easily became like a lie ne!
Mou.. Summer’s already overrr?

I’m going to the Hanazakari Bansen for FujiTV ☆
“Ah yes! I just remembered!”
Everyone, thanks to you, Hanazakari’s final showing has become a two hour special.
Eieee (^O^)/
I think it’s becoming incredibly funny.
Please look forward to it (^_-)-☆
I’ll inform you of the programme name and broadcasting day of the bansen [2] very soon, please look forward to it as well♪
My fighting spirit took over, and I’m drinking Oolong tea.(laughs)

[1] Day over 35 degrees.

While we’re at it, I know this sentence might sound a little strange. I’m sorry.

[2] Special show promo

2007-09-03: Fuu♪

Pic: Nope

Today was my day off (^O^)/
I ate at a delicious steakhouse, (then) I went to the hair dresser to have my hair trimmed for the Hanazakari finale ♪
After that, I went for drinks with three guys!
As usual we were just kidding around (and) having a good time. [1]
With this, tomorrow I’m going to try my best again. ☆
Well then, Good night  (^_-)-☆

[1] Actually he said it was “good for nothing” / worthless conversation.

You know, not like those other conversations he has about ending hunger or curing cancer. >_>

2007-09-04: Cold… [0]

Pic: Nada

It’s been 11 months since I last had a cold. (>_<)
I was careful, but, nevertheless naa.
Recently, everyone around me had colds, I wonder, did one of them pass it on to me? (laughs)

Maa. Anyhow I’ll do my best in order to get better one day early.

Everyone, pay attention to your health ne (>_<)

[0] The illness

2007-09-05: Oha ☆

Pic: Shirota looking good in a mask?

Ohhayoo (^O^)/ [1]
I’ve been shooting since morning for Hanazakari ☆
This is going to be the last time shooting, although, there’s still bits left over to shoot.
Already naa. I always feel that way, but, when I realize, I’m becoming an ojiichan [2] ne. (laughs)
I’m rapidly experiencing the flow of time.
Maa. A human’s lifespan is really less than an instant in the earth’s history. ー(*_*)
That said, I’m going to film.

Baicha (^_-)-☆

[1] Good morning

[2] Grandpa = old man.

2007-09-07: oppoopii♪

Pic: Heat Island flyer


I’ve got a nasal voice, but, it’s Shirota Yu who’s a 100 times better (^O^)/
Today, was also shuzai day ♪ then after a long time I met up with Hirata Naoyacchi!
I received a AAA CD ー(^O^) [1]
When I go home, at once I’ll load it unto my iPod ♪
Recently, I’ve been going from one bansen to anotherr~!
Ahh the other day, I said when the ban is lifted, I’ll make an announcement!
The Hanazakari bansen is “Bakusho! Red carpet”
It’s broadcasting next week on Tuesday at 7 pm, that being the case, please watch it before the 11th episode of Hanazakari (laughs)

Change of topic!

Tomorrow, Waruboro is finally being released to the public!!
I’m going to be taking part in the butai aisatsu [2] as well.
I think it would be good if I could hear everyone’s thoughts firsthand ♪

Everyone, without fail, watch (^O^)/


Hirata is the “oldest” member.

[2] Before something opens greeting the public event.

2007-09-08: Waruboro

Today, I went to the butai aisatsu ♪
After a long time I met Aya Kumi & Aragaki Yuinyan
Iyaa It was fun (^O^)/
Everyone was able to freely tell their impressions, but, I wonder if the guests enjoyed themselves?? (laughs)
Maa, What a popular mistake that is ne!! (laughs) [1]
Afterwards, I went to the office, to do shuzais and such ♪
At the office, after a long I met up with D-BOYS to take photos!
Maa.. for some reason it was unexpected to meet them, but, it’s generally a regular thing… (laughs)
Maa in keeping, the first is a two shot with Kaji!
Continuing with Kumai and Araki-san o(^-^)o

[1] The nan ni throws me a bit here.

Kumai Kouhei

2007-09-08:  ☆ My favourite sempai ☆  [0]

Pic: 2

Koncha~(≧ε≦)  [1]

Today was super hot (T_T)
But, today, after a long time, I met my favourite sempai so the heat just blew off. ☆
In the photos, ☆ Shirota-san called Yuuni [2] ☆
And Kaji-san ☆ !
These two are absolutely kakkoi [3] ne!
I long to be like my senpai and I respect them like big brothers. V(^-^)V
Whenever, there are things that I don’t understand or have troubles, I consult them.
I want to quickly become like Yuunii and Kaji-san o(^-^)o

[0] Sempai = senior(s) at work, school, either your elder or superior.

Hmmm… daisuki means you like something/someone A LOT.

[1] Hi

[2] One of Shirota’s nickname is Yuuni, the kanji for “ni” is “兄”, which means big brother.

[3] cool

Shirota Jun


Pic: Yep

Recently, I’ve been doing extreme-weight training. I feel really bad about skipping it for the second day (as though) it’s almost becoming a habit.
Is it good? Is it difficult? It’s not a lot but.. if it continues like this, three months later, I think that I won’t be in pretty good shape. Does everyone like persons that train?
After I went to the gym, I went to a yakiniku shop that I occasionally go to, usually with Yuu (my younger brother) and friends, but, the manager of this yakiniku shop-san and I became good friends. This last time I went with Yuu.

Tooru-san, thank you for the always delicious meat.
The photo is from that time.


shirota, shirojun, kumai

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