Goals and such

Oct 14, 2011 21:14

I was explaining to a co-worker that I didn't feel as though I had goals, she was working and finishing her degree.
She thought it was ridiculous (that I wanted goals). Next year, I'll turn 30. I've never cared much about age, I can remember clearly when I was going for my postgrad there was a Chinese girl from Canada. She refused to tell me her age ( Read more... )

shirota, shiropi, shirojun, seto

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gillii_akujacku October 15 2011, 03:55:09 UTC
Who needs goals? As long as you do your best and are happy then why bother, goals just make it seem like what you have is insignificant in comparison (and that's just depressing).


none_neither October 15 2011, 12:06:49 UTC
But, what YamaP said was true, when you have goals and you work for it, esp after experiencing difficulty then you feel better. I just want to experience this. Just once. Maybe I'll become more motivated and ..invent something?
Cure cancer?


gillii_akujacku October 15 2011, 14:55:52 UTC
True, but then if you don't reach the goal it's just that much worse? Goals can be good or bad I guess, depending on how you choose to look at it. Either way wanting goals is a fairly normal thing, isn't it?

Lol, I would love to see what you would come up with to invent, it's sure to be interesting. =D


none_neither October 16 2011, 14:43:17 UTC
lol you're a rain of sunshine XDDDD

I will master the Art of Chindogu!!!


gillii_akujacku October 16 2011, 15:24:06 UTC
I do try to be. =P

HAHAHA! That sounds like a pretty fantastic thing to become a master of. ^_^


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