Yuichi-centric post (aside from Yuuyan going batshit crazy).. Let's see.... Yuichi and Igarashi had a talkshow event, Yuichi and a whale, Shunchan can't spell, Yuichi talks to ficitional characters.
☆Nakamura Yuichi ☆
2009-07-26: I went to see (it).
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http://blog.watanabepro.co.jp/nakamurayuichi/archives/2009/07/post_836.html For yesterday's performance of Love Letters, I received flowers from the producer of Futatsu no Spica, the editor of SEVENTEEN and Takagi Bu-san.
I was really happy!
Thank you very much!
And today I went to see Katagiri Jin-san and Toyama Kyooko-san's performace of Love letters.
The atmosphere was different,
I learnt alot.
2009-07-29: Tidying up.
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http://blog.watanabepro.co.jp/nakamurayuichi/archives/2009/07/post_837.html Right now, I'm cleaning my room,
Before you know it, it gets so much.
Why is that?
Sweeping is hard (laugh)
Now recruiting helpers! (laugh) [1]
[1] I sacrifice volunteered sushi_dono
2009-07-29: Wait for me
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http://blog.watanabepro.co.jp/nakamurayuichi/archives/2009/07/post_838.html NatsuDoko is over and I'm home. ー(^-^)v
Tomorrow is the Shimoseki talkshow event with Shunchan.
Everyone in Shimoseki!
Wait for me! ー(^O^)
2009-07-30: Arrival
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http://blog.watanabepro.co.jp/nakamurayuichi/archives/2009/07/post_839.html (We're arrived at) Shimoseki.
We're travelling right now
Shunchan's strange face ------ (laugh)
That's some face. (laugh)
2009-07-30: I'll do my best.
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http://blog.watanabepro.co.jp/nakamurayuichi/archives/2009/07/post_840.html The first talkshow event is over.
To everyone that came, thank you. (^-^)v
i'll do my best for the second event too (^_-)
2009-07-30: Thank you and (now) the last episode. [0]
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http://blog.watanabepro.co.jp/nakamurayuichi/archives/2009/07/post_841.html We've finished all of the Shimoseki talk show events.
Everyone in Shimoseki, thank you. m(__)m
It was really fun!!
I want to come again to Shimoseki.
And, today is the last episode of Futatsu no spica.
You must watch ne!
I'll be waiting on your thoughts about it ne. (^-^)v
[0] Of Spica
2009-07-31: It's Shu! Futatsu no Spica is over!
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http://blog.watanabepro.co.jp/nakamurayuichi/archives/2009/07/post_842.html Futatsu no Spica is totally over!
I'll mail again tomorrow about it ne!
And now I'm recording for the radio show. (^-^)v
I'll do my best!
2009-07-31: Junon
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http://blog.watanabepro.co.jp/nakamurayuichi/archives/2009/07/post_843.html Up until some time ago, I was doing magazine work for Junon.
I was really happy when the editing staff asked me to use the T-shirt I designed. (^-^)v
I'll do my best for NatsuDoko too. (^_-)
2009-07-31: I love all of you.
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http://blog.watanabepro.co.jp/nakamurayuichi/archives/2009/07/post_844.html Today's NatsuDoko is over. ー(^-^)v
Thank you to everyone that attended!!
And, I wonder(ed) did you watch the last episode of Futatsu no Spica yesterday?
When I read all of the impressions everyone wrote in the guest, I was really happy!
Thank you!
Recently, I've been the guestbook alot.
In one day, about three times! (laugh)
Well, Futatsu no Spica is over, but, I was really happy to have been able to (play) Suzuki Shu.
At first, I was really worried about it. In what way should I do this?
His outward appearance is cool, yet, he thinks carefully about everything, kind, smart...
And, with his troubles in the shadows, Shu's also a hard worker....
I had so many worries about (playing him).
Personally, I've gained from Shu, vigor, courage and so many things that I can't put into words.
Thank you.
I felt that (while) possessing big dreams, I'd hard work towards those dreams.
You will collide with the harsh realities of life. [1]
But, when I meet with these harsh realities, I want to it be while working hard at my dreams, with high aims,.
I want to live each day working frantically (towards my goals).
It would be good if I can give something to everyone while doing it.
At any rate, I love Futatsu no Spica.
Thank you for watching until the end!
After this I will continue to strive!
Yoroshiku ne! (^_-)
For the last time,
I was praised!! [2]
This was Suzuki Shu. ー(^O^)
[1] I change quite a bit of these up, I thought they sounded better in Japanese.
He's saying you'll meet bad bad things in life, that's not something you can avoid but when he does, it should be while he's aiming at high goals and he wants to be able to give something to minna all of you.
*points down* I guess that his serious face.
[2] Since this is the last last time I'll have to explain this. He would say this and the fans were supposed to tsukkomi him. This was related to Futatsu when ever "Fuchi" insulted tsukkomied him he would say "I was praised.
☆ Igarashi Shunji ☆
2009-07-30: Blue Whale and Yuichi. [0]
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The event is over.
I'm truly sorry for being so annoying [1].
I really relied on Yuichi. (laugh)
I want to do another event naa!
[0] He wrote shionagasu instead of shironagasu.
[1] Can also be read as loud
☆ Yanagi Koutaro ☆
2009-07-26: NatsuDoko ♪
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http://blog.watanabepro.co.jp/yanagikotaro/archives/2009/07/other_place.html There's no NatsuDoko today for Bokuchan [1].
Today I had a sort of business meeting at the office today.
I'm doing this sort of thing.
Yuichi was also there.
Let's have a fun meeting. ♪
[1] Boku = me for guys, -chan a suffix added to girl's names.
☆ Endo Yuya ☆
2009-07- 29: Street snap of a cat
http://blog.watanabepro.co.jp/endoyuya/archives/2009/07/post_227.html Hello it's the Cat Burglar.
This time, (I took this) super-photo of a cat at my friend's home.
This ridiculously cute cat is called Band. It had an air of indifference like Liam Gallagher of Oasis. [1]
The character matches, "Guudo Kyattsu" [2]
This cat is (so) cute!
That's all. The was the Cat Burglar.
[1] ...
[2] .......
This means "Good cats".