2009-07-17: Koimen
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http://blog.watanabepro.co.jp/nakamurayuichi/archives/2009/07/post_827.html Shunchan and I did an (interview) for Koimen.
Talking about old times, it was fun! ー(^_-)
2009-07-18: Starting tomorrow! NatsuDoko
http://blog.watanabepro.co.jp/nakamurayuichi/archives/2009/07/post_828.html Currently on the way home!!
NatsuDoko starts tomorrow ne (^_-)
It would be nice if NatsuDoko could become part of everyone's memories of this summer. (^-^)v
And then there's the T-shirt that I produced. Yoroshiku Onegaishimasu!
2009-07-18: With (wings) on his back, he's become a bird!
http://blog.watanabepro.co.jp/nakamurayuichi/archives/2009/07/post_829.html Today there's a feeling of talking behind (someone's back). [1]
The first day of Natsu Doko has ended!
It was very fun and I was happy to meet with all of the fans. (^-^)v
And, I was wearing this T-shirt which I designed!
If you wore this T-short this summer, I'd be happy (^_-)
[1] gossiping.
2009-07-19: Today's NatsuDoko is...
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http://blog.watanabepro.co.jp/nakamurayuichi/archives/2009/07/post_830.html Today, I ate out with Zukki and Kaji-kun.
We ate
basahi. (laugh)
And for today's NatsuDoko, I'm the MC.
... now I'm nervous.
To everyone that comes today, yoroshiku onegaishimasu.
Usui Masahiro x 3
2009-07-18: Tomorrow....☆☆
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http://blog.watanabepro.co.jp/usuimasahiro/archives/2009/07/post_390.html Tomorrow,
"Kotosho no natsu
mainichi dokoka de
Uki uki
will finally start.
That's definitely just a little (too) long. (laugh)
Well for short it's "Natsu Doko♪".
And so we'll be able to (meet) with everyone.
This summer let's enjoy this summer with our spirits up to the MAX. ☆☆
Well, my fighting spirit is at the MAX too, but, tomorrow Usui is not appearing. ( ̄○ ̄;)
Gomencha (>_<) (laugh)
Well, I'm appearing from (July) 19th so don't miss it! ♪♪
Later ~☆
2009-07-19: Curtain up.
http://blog.watanabepro.co.jp/usuimasahiro/archives/2009/07/post_391.html After this, Natsu Doko day 2 is starting!
Today is my first day. ♪
So many people from the media are here, we're surprised!! (^o^)
I'm grateful. ♪♪ Truly. ♪
I'm also thankful for all of the fans that gathered in the hot weather. ☆☆
At the stage, we'll return (the favour) as much as possible ('-^*)!
2009-07-19: Will size L be ok?
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http://blog.watanabepro.co.jp/usuimasahiro/archives/2009/07/post_392.html After this, my second NatsuDoko performance will begin. ♪♪
It's so cutee ♪
By the way, Araki-san is size L!
A tiny bit of gossip! (laugh)
Let's go shall we? (^O^)/
Aryun [1]
[1] Yes Adieu morphed into this.
Suzuki Hiroki
2009-07-19: Smiling face! Good face!
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http://blog.watanabepro.co.jp/suzukihiroki/archives/2009/07/post_399.html A smiling face is definitely a good face! [1]
I'm with Jikka [2] and Channaka who have finished work.
Tomorrow's NatsuDoko is W Nakamura Day. [3]
Look forward to it. (o^∀^o)
[1] ....
[2] Kaji --> Jikka
[3] W = double.
Stefy and
setolove ,
Sorry, my laptop hard drive died T_T So I haven't made my NatsuDoko post as yet!