Shirota: 2007-09-20 - 2007-09-30

Oct 14, 2007 15:34

2007-09-20: Hello ☆
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Right now, as I’m campaigning for Heat Island, appearing on bansens, etc, I feel like I’m becoming Aki [1] again. My hair has returned to the way it was last summer!

Since around the age of seven, I’ve had my hair cut by (this) super-charismatic hairdresser, Tamoto-san of the Hair Salon 「Vanilla Sky」 (laughs)

Whenever, I need to change my hairstyle (usually for a role), I always go to Tamoto-san for help. ☆

Everyone, if you want to become Aki as well, please go to Vanilla Sky. (laughs)

Speaking of which, I’m uploading a two-shot commemorating when I became Aki, alongside Tamoto-san. ♪

[1] Aki is the name of his character in Heat Island.

2007-09-21: Oha\^o ^/

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Today, I’ve been in Sapporo since morning.

It’s a little cool… but, when I think of it, that’s being generous… it’s hot. (laughs)

I think I’ll just go back to talking about Heat Island. (^O^)

By the way, we had the Hanazakari Wrap Party [1] ♪

When I update again, I’ll talk about it (^O^)/

The photos are; a clear blue Sapporo sky & a red brick Hokkaido government office as seen from the room as I’m waiting to do a shuzai. [2]

[1] It literally says launch.

[2] Shuzai = collecting data for a magazine, either photos or interviewing.

2007-09-22: Photobook ☆

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Five more days until it goes on sale!

Today, I signed the books and photos for the special WEB gift & the book event. (^O^)/
It was a considerable amount, as you would expect, my hands are a little worn out. (laughs)

I’ve safely finished writing, now I aiming towards a Boudokan! [1]

Takeshi and Youko from Heat Island will be appearing.

I’m off to see Chanko debu at a live ☆ [2]

(If you don’t know who’s who, then GO to the Heat Island home page ♪)

Well then, baicha (^_-)-☆

[1] Martial Arts Hall. Not right right now. It literally says facing towards.

[2] The big guy.

2007-09-23: ♪♪♪

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It was funnn (^O^)

As I said at the end of yesterday’s entry, I went to AAA’s live.

After co-starring with Takeshi in Heat Island, I completely became a fan. (laughs)

Everyone’s really cool ne~

I can’t be defeated ne

I’ll also do my best (^O^)/

Well then, today, I thought 「ehh How did this get (here) in Tokyo?」, I’ll show you the building.

This is it ↓

What do you think?

It’s really pretty, don’t you think so?

At first when I saw it, I thought I was in Spain (laughs)

I’m not entirely certain about this building, but, it appears to be a cathedral ♪

I think I would definitely be happy if I got married in a place like this… Iya, first I’ll have to find a partner (laughs)

2007-09-24: Yahoo ☆

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Since this morning, I’ve been at a private showing [1] for Heat Island. It was a long time since all the members of Guilty met up. It was fun. (^O^)/

Afterwards, we had a 100 ikemen guy walk down the streets of Shibuya (laughs)

The number of persons in the street who greeted us with high spirits and a lot of persons from the media were there, this caused my spirits to rise. (^O^)/

Then, Ryo Kimura and I were supposed to talk about the pamphlet, but, at the hall, against my better judgment, the director forcibly dragged me into a three person talk. (laughs)

The director talked about Heat Island and we were able to talk about various topics. I was glad. ☆

As I’m presenting more and more work to the public, I’m happy.

Please look forward to it. o(^-^)o

After it had finished, my hand had grown stiff.

I was shooting for the journals, 『Men’s Uniform』(Ooda Publications)×『UNIFORMERS』(web magazinePB) [2]

In this way, it was also difficult to change clothes. [3]

But, I think it really became a beautiful piece.

Please look forward to it. o(^-^)o

The photo is a harem photo of me with all the female staff of 『UNIFORMERS』(web magazinePB)

[1] Preview.

[2] Rough

[3] Someone needs to explain this to me.

2007-09-26: Oha ♪

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Yesterday, I was campaigning for Heat Island in Osaka.

Today, I’ve come to Fukuoka. (^O^)

Last evening, I was typing up an entry, but, I got too tired. (>_<)

Now, I’m eating lunch at a high class restaurant ☆

I’m already forgetting some persons, but, I’ll try to tell you of those that were present at the Hanazakari wrap party.

All of the cast and staff gathered with the author of the original work, Hisaya Nakajo with as the special guest and ORANGE RANGE. Then the excitement started.

There was a lottery and I scored a meal at Jojo Garden.

Also, Konno Mahiru and Ishigaki Yuma  won exercise machines which resulted in laughter. (laughs)

Next, all of the minors returned home, so the number of people decreased significantly, however instead of the tension decreasing, it went up, we sang karaoke enthusiastically ♪

I sang songs like Glass boy and I love you enthusiastically alongside Toma-kun and Oguri-kun.

Just like that the time passed without me knowing and I was back in my room going to bed. (laughs) [1]

With all of the excitement, I completely forgot to keep taking pictures, but, I did tak some and I’m uploading them.. ♪

Firstly, my coolly, with cute Maa-kun, who has the smiling face of an angel. (^O^)/

Next, me with Mokkun, who cried pure tears at the wrap party. (laughs)

I took some more, but, I’m not finding them, later when I find them, I’ll update. ♪ [2]

[1] Um, and where was Oguri?

[2] New to Shirota? That means never.

2007-09-27: New home

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The other day I went to take a peep at my parent’s new home.

And there was the large screen TV I was going to buy for my mother’s birthday…

Don’t mind me. (laughs)

However, it was a long time since I had eaten my mother’s home cooking. The curry was superbbb. (^O^)

Then I checked out my 8 year old sister’s own room, I took a photo of the veil (?) attached to the bed. ☆

Just then, Lala and Meme came in so I tried to call their names to get them to look at the camera.

This photos are this way ↓

(But) when I said  “I’ll give you treats”

U~n, gluttons banzai ♪ (laughs)

2007-09-28: Photobook sale ☆  [0]

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Today is hot ne… Hello. It’s Shirota Yuu.

After going to the office for work, I went to the hospital for a physical exam ♪

Nothing in particular is wrong, so don’t worry!

That’s right!! Yesterday, I, Shirota Yuu’s, first photobook went on sale.

Did everyone see it? [1]

Those persons who haven’t seen it, please “dash” to your nearest bookstore. (laughs)

That reminds me, yesterday, after I finished work, I was having tea with my friends… Speaking confidently about Juvenile Alzheimer’s I said “Arumahaisu” [2]

That’s where this place it.

Well, then I’ll be off shooting (^_-)-☆

[0] Well, that’s what it literally sales! But, you get the gist right?

[1] Hard to phrase this, it’s implying that it was something you did for him.

[2] Alma Heights. It sounds weird here, but, it’s a lot closer if you heard Alzheimer’s in Japanese.

2007-09-30: Nyaha ☆

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Today was the photobook event.

I’m glad that a lot of people came ☆

Thank also for the letters and presents (>_<)

I’ll do my best in order to read them and write replies.

Pleasee be patient with me (^O^)/

Today, I made a visit to my parents’ home.

This evening’s dinner is Vegetable curry.

Delicious ♪

Afterwards, I put on western-style clothes that I received from a fan on Lala and Meme.

What do you think? (laughs)

Isn’t it cute? (^O^)

Next is a “pashari” of my younger sister’s sleeping face, she went to bed a little early. [1]

Lastly, my older brother joined in (^_-)-☆

[1] Apparently, pashari is the sound the camera makes when you click the button.

shirota, bee dogs

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