Aug 14, 2007 01:27

You guys are going to love me eveeeeenn more ^____^ even I love myself even more after having done this. I'm pretty pleased with it.

So here I was fidgeting with my computer when I realized...I had these files...
I just had to quickly convert it. But voila...
[please don't ask me to translate any of these simply because I can't speak Japanese!!! hahaha!]

Here's a download version:

Hiro Speaking in English [Kamen Rider Kabuto Behind the Scenes]
this was when he was coaching the young boy who played the younger Tendou Souji

Kamen Rider Kabuto: God Speed Love Behind the Scenes mirror
this is where the Ohaiyo gif was from [I don't know the how else to explain it ^.^ ]
erodut requested to have this up in MU [see mirror] *sorry it was late. i got stuck at work & internet crappy*

if you haven't seen the gif here it is again:

The conversions are not perfect however, I find that they only work perfectly with GOM Player which in my opinion is one of the best players around, especially for files that need to be played with subs.
You can get it here if you'd like to try it GOM Player Download

Hope you guys like it  ( ̄▽ ̄)

It's not much I know, it won't really play in Windows Media Player [there's audio but no picture] but it beats having to just watch it in youtube [i am grateful to those who've uploaded this video in youtube don't get me wrong, it's just so much easier to watch when you have it in file XD] I'll try to make it work somehow in Windows Media but I make no promises. I'm not exactly tech-savvy.

***Please comment if you take & especially if you got it to work in another player. Thank you!***

hiro mizushima

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