estoy cayando por el mundo

May 12, 2006 02:57

interesting/cool/poopy/sadly-funny things that have happened today

-3rd period (ap spanish) i was the only one in the class that knew the meaning of the word "teticas" in the story that we are reading and got to explain to the class that teticas are little boobies
-bessy and i actually came up with a good experiment for physics final... so we are actually ahead of other groups right now!!! (yay for first timers)
-at lunch, awesome hacksack substitute (brent i believe is his name... right sarah or av?) returned to sub today and joined us in our game
-apparently jacob brought some margarita to school today and gave some to anabel, who, he says didnt put the top on all the way and it spilled in his backpack making it smell like alcohol throughout part of the day
-went up to palisades to bank and to get pick up ofri from school to go to gym, and i turned the wrong way and got lost on sunset for about an hour (total driving time for today was about three hours.... yea it was horrible)
-pulled inner theigh/crotch tendon while leaping to pink panther music
-the ability to still be procrastinating my homework (with caffine providing the inability to sleep)
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