Feb 16, 2007 22:37
Things have been a little stressful over the last few days. I started getting some light spotting two evenings ago. I did some checking online and on several forums I had other women tell me that they'd experienced the same and, although scary, everything was fine. After it happened last night too I rang my clinic this morning. They assured me it was very common and completely normal, but did tell me that if I started bleeding properly then I should go straight to A&E. There's been nothing like full bleeding though, basically only slightly stained mucus. I'm trying to convince myself that things are no less OK now than they were a few days ago, but I can't help but be anxious about it.
I never anticipated early pregnancy to be quite so nerve-wracking. It dawned on me earlier today that this is probably a good taster of what it's like to be a parent.
Symptom-wise things are pretty boring. I have developed extremely tender breasts in the last few days and am a little more tired than normal but still no nausea and my appetite has been a little less gargantuan than earlier this week. I'm still getting cramps that feel extremely like premenstrual cramps. According to the nurse this morning my uterus is already stretching so that might explain it. There is an amniotic sac and a yolk sac in there at the moment and together they're around one centimetre across. Not much of a stretch I admit, but more than it's dealt with before I guess. I wonder if subsequent pregnancies hurt less in the early days due to it having stretched before.
I'm five weeks pregnant today.
Sometime this week a little heart should start beating in there.
Hopefully, soon, I'll relax a little more.