So "Biology for Christian Schools" came. (I got it off eBay.) If you ever wanted to know what lurks within a fundie biology textbook from Bob Jones University, here is your chance.
From the introduction:
"Between true science (those things that can be accurately observed and measured) and the Bible there are no contradictions. After all, the One who wrote the Bible also created the things that scientists can observe. Men, however, make mistakes in their observations, or they may reach a faulty conclusion from what they observe...
You may find a description of the insects that the grasshopper evolved from, and what insects evolved from the grasshoppers. These statements are conclusions based on 'supposed science.' If the conclusions contradict the Word of God, the conclusions are wrong no matter how many scientific facts may appear to back them." (p. vii)
On scientific truth:
"When man looks at a statement, whether based on repeated observations, a hunch, logic, or even faith, it must fit under one of four categories:
Revealed truth: that which is revealed in Scripture, whether or not man has scientifically proved it. If it is in the Bible, it is already true, without other proof.
Theory: that which is thought to be true, is not revealed truth, but may be part of unrevealed truth.
Fallacy: that which is contradicted by God's revealed truth, no matter how scientific, how commonly believed, or how apparently workable it may seem; or that which is contradicted by scientific evidence." (p. 12)
"But some theories, such as the Doctrine of Signatures or the Flat Earth Theory, were once thought to be supported by Scripture since they were 'hinted at,' it seemed, in the Bible. The Scriptures used, however, were taken out of context. A Christian must be very careful not to take verses out of context or to take a passage he does not understand and try to make it say what he wants." (p. 12-13)
[Because the Doctrine of Signatures, now recognized to be BS, was obviously not supported by scriptures. However, creationism totally is, and it's totally appropriate to interpret those Genesis passages literally to make it say what you want proclaim God's truth.]
On Evolution:
"The idea that life comes from similar life is important: oak trees reproduce oak trees, and cats reproduce cats. The idea of oak trees reproducing cats is absurd. (However, in a roundabout way, this idea is similar to what evolutionists believe.)" (p. 31)
[If by "in a roundabout way" you mean "in an alternate Bizarro universe," yes. This would be more accurately worded as, "This idea is similar to what pig-ignorant creationists believe 'evolutionists' believe."]
On biological definitions of life:
"All things that are alive will die. Actually, parts of all living organisms are constantly dying--that is, they are no longer being held in the organized state that permits life to continue. Today thousands of cells in your body will die, and parts of all cells will wear out and cause the cells to die eventually. You are still alive because your body is expending large amounts of energy to produce new cells and to keep alive and in good repair most of the others. If the Lord tarries, however, there will come a time when enough of one type of cell in your body--heart cells, brain cells, liver cells, or whatever kind of cells--will die, and the other living cells in your body will not be able to carry on." (p. 32)
From the chapter on human reproduction:
"As is often the case, Satan took something good--sex--and perverted it. Satan subtly uses the normal drives and processes of the body to entice people to sin." (p. 626)
"If AIDS were to be the punishment for homosexuality, God would be an unjust judge if all homosexuals did not contract AIDS." (p. 645)
[To be fair, they're saying that this means AIDS isn't a judgment for homosexuality, since not all homosexuals get AIDS and not all people with AIDS are homosexuals. Hell is the punishment for homosexuals and other reprobates. See? Much better.]
One of the "Thought Questions" at the end of the chapter:
"2. What are Satan's two basic tenets to convince people that adultery and fornication are acceptable? Why are these two tenets illogical?
3. In what way can unregenerate people consider homosexuality "natural"? Does this justify a person's being homosexual?" (p. 647)
The book closes with the following:
"'Choose ye this day whom ye will serve.' Yourself and Satan? Or will you join with those who answer, 'As for me... [I] will serve the Lord.' (Josh. 24:15). 'Whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God' (I Cor. 10:31)."