
Nov 05, 2008 10:32

Not surprised at all that Obama won.  Not happy not disappointed... a politician is a politician is a politician.  I do think I'd rather have Obama in there than McCain's old fart ass for a repeat of the Bush administration.

I do find it funny though when I asked every African American in the kitchen at work who they voted for and why their answer was "he's black" or "he's a democrat"... and when I asked every caucasian who they voted for and why they said "he's not a muslim" or "he's white" or "he's republican"..... people are stupid, paying more attention to silly party afiliations, skin color, and other extraneous factors that mean jack shit in the grand scheme of things

Obama is not a miracle worker...... this miraculous change he speaks of isn't going to happen in one term..... maybe not even two.  He might get us moving in the right direction, but I'm personally not going to hold my breath.  To all you uber-conservatives (if there are any on livejournal) it won't be as bad as you think it will.... and to all of you uber-liberals..... it won't be as miraculous and awesome as you think.

I like Obama I think his tenure in the white house will be good for us... go America for not being quite as retarded as I thought.... not quite.
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