Let's see life has been good lately. A little over a month ago I went to an amazing show at Solid Ground Cafe with local openers Emme Packer, and Atherton. Alive in Wild Paint and The New Frontiers as the touring acts. That show was so perfect and it's a rare gem to go to shows where the crowd is touched after every bands performance. I had chills during most of the show even thought the room was packed full.
A few days after that show, I went to Russia. It was unbelievable, and I'm still at a loss for words. I loved the architecture their, and just the atmosphere there as well. Saint Basil's looks like it should be in Disneyland, but of course its not. After the architectures finished building that, they were actually blinded so they could never create such a thing again. The Russian leaders were really only concerned about how they lived it seems for the many palaces they built with gaudy interior. I hope I can go there again sometime.
Last week I went to the Honda Civic Tour with Phantom Planet, The Hush Sound, Motion City Soundtrack, and Panic at the Disco. Phantom Planet is a truly amazing band and all there hard work shows in their live performance. I love The Hush Sound and having them come back after not being here for a good year and a half meant show much to me. I never realized how much I loved them. I must have looked like such and idiot at times singing my heart out, and at times even making noises the instruments normally make. Motion City Soundtrack is one of those bands that is really fun to see live. You can sing their heart out to their lyrics, dance and jump around at the same time and your not the only one left doing so. Some people got annoyed by how many songs they played, but I thought they did and excellent job. I'd never before seen Panic at the Disco and they did exceed my expectations. I really enjoyed how they made their set more acoustic.I'd probably see them live again if they come back.
Monday night I saw Anathallo, and wow I love that band as well. So many talented members and all of them have a good sense of humor. Haha they even remembered me from a myspace comment I had left. You see the previous time they played here I didn't go because Explosions In The Sky was the same night. A few days after I told them that I was happy I decided to see EITS instead of them. (I also mentioned for them not to take offense). They told me they would have been there if it wasn't for their own show. They are releasing a new album in november probably. They know who they might release under but they can't say yet. I'm not sure but at the moment if it's just a smaller label, I'd say Favorite Gentleman (Manchester Orchestra's label) or Procrastinate! Music Traitors (Brand New's label) but those are just guesses and if they are right I wouldn't be shocked if they are wrong than oh well.
I plan on reading a lot this summer as well as a lot of shows, and new music. I plan on attending school again in the fall, so we will just see how well that goes.