Sep 24, 2004 23:01
so today im at my moms house, and i finally am able to go online. For a while. Anywho. Tomorrows the Bell Jeff football game, and im really sick. Kinda sucks. My throat is killing me tonight and my head really hurts. But i have to go to this game. I cant even let my mom know im sick otherwise i can't go to the game or scarletts house afterwards.
so yesterday, kelsey, my lovely darling, got her liscense. So today she drove AJ to practice and i drove back. Then we went to starbucks and then the mall. Very fun. Kelsey i love you
2maro im meeting scarlett and we're baking brownies for the football players and we are painting out faces. Go Bell Jeff.
We even have cheers set up to cheer louder their cheerleaders. its gonna be so fun.
well i should be getting some sleep. I honestly, hate being sick.