Aug 10, 2006 19:04
When I woke up at the ass-crack of dawn this morning to go out on a fishing trip in Talkeetna Alaska, I turned on the T.V. to see what I'm sure most of you all have seen already. It seems my flight home at 1:00 am this evening is going to go far from smooth. I'm checking what I can, but there is still items that I need to take on board. I have my backpack that carries my laptop and digital camera. I managed to buy an assload of fragile gifts n' trinkets from all over my journey up here, and I have to take those in my backpack. T.S.A. is going to have a field day when they screen my carry-on. Hopefully they won't be dicks about the whole thing and make me unwrap every little fucking thing that is taped up in tissue paper. I checked the Alaska Airlines and T.S.A website. It seems they are mostly concerned about liquids, gels, etc. Unfortunatly packing lightly for me still means that my carry-on is still packed full of crap. I just hope nothing gets broken. For now, I'm off to the spa to unwind for a bit, then maybe hit up the bar. Wish me luck on my travels home. I'll try to get some pics and a recap up on here if possible tomorrow before I take off for Texas.