(no subject)

May 23, 2005 15:26

I have found myself sitting here in the library at school trying to study for a essay test in "interpersonal communications" that I have to take later this evening. My problem is I can not keep my focus on the task at hand. Recently I had a few issues fall into my lap, and they are consuming a lot of my thought proccess's right now. Some of you may already know whats up, but for those that do not, let me fill you in. ;)

Recently my friend Mark bought a nice size house in Orlando Fl. Well he called me up last week to tell me he is throwing himself a birthday bash in the first weekend of June, and that he wants me there. He offered to buy me the plane ticket if I could find the time off to go. I checked out my school and work schedule to see if I could squeeze this trip in. Lucky for me this intersession class I am taking right now ends on June 2nd. I was able to schedule the time off work too. So he bought the ticket for me, sweet!

The following morning after a job interview I had for a bartending position for a local catering company (which hired me on the spot, I start when I get back from Florida), Mark called me. He asked me if I would like to get out of Oklahoma and back to So Cal. Of course I said ,"I cant wait to leave this place".At that point Mark said he can help me get out of here. He offered to loan me a few bucks and give me a decent sum of money to stay in Florida for a few weeks and help paint his house. With this extra income I can pay off my car and some debts out here, and move back home! So of course I took him up on the offer. The next day I put in my notice at Staples.

When I get back from Florida I plan on hanging out until the end of July, making a few bucks as a bartender. The reason I am staying out here until then is because I have a plane ticket to Las Vegas, and I dont want to cancel. Especially since the ticket was a gift from friends. But after that trip, Ill fly back here to Oklahoma pack up what I can in my car and head back out west.

I have a place to stay already, and some cash saved up to float me for a few months until I can get a job. I will be starting school in the fall, finishing up my Associates. I plan on transfering to Cal State Long Beach by next summer.
Plus I will be close enough to Las Vegas to visit Statik on a semi regular basis.

So back to the task on hand, this test! fuuuuuh! The professor gave us a list of 10 essay questions to study up for. She didnt tell us which ones, or how many are going to be on the test. So I have gone ahead and wrote an average of one page for each question. I have been going over them the last few days, but I can not seem to memorize the importance of them. So my confidence is at almost zero that I will do well. Being that this is a 16 week course crammed down to 3 weeks, there is a lot of material to cover. I figure if I cant do well on the first test. Im not going to waist my time with the rest of it. Tomorrow when I get the results, I will make the decision to stick it out, or drop the class. I dont need a mediocre grade f'ing up my gpa right now. What sucks is I will be out the $500+ that I dropped on this class. Ill just have to eat the cost and take it over in the fall.

Right now I think im too excited and happy to care if I have to repeat this course. The pro's out weigh the con's.

p.s. for you fuzzy's that I havent already got ahold of, and live in Orlando or the surrounding area drop me a line. I should have some free time while im down there to hang out and do whatever it is that you guys do for fun.

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