Boredom and Surveys.

Aug 26, 2004 07:46

Alright, if you've stumbled apon this sad little place you've prolly figured out I don't update here much... but I do update my Xanga... so, if you want, check me out, I hope to see you there.

Here is a little survey I filled out very early this morning...for no apperent reason other then v. bored and wide awake.

Survey stolen from a willing Ama K... How evil does that sound?


[Name]: N.N.C.

[Age]: 16

[Birthday]: July 28th, 2988

[Chinese Zodiac]: I'm a dragon! Rawr! (Ama K, I think you're a...Rabbit?)

[Astrological Sign]: Leo

[Location]: Right now? My house in the little triangle between Augusta, Fairchild, and Osseo, WI


[Height]: 'bout five-nine or so.

[Weight]: Heh. Right, like I'd actually admit my REAL weight?

[Shoe Size]: anywhere between a 9-1/2 (my joggers) and a 13 (dress boot)

[Eye Colour]: Greenish-grey-blue.

[Hair Colour]: Sort of a yellowish orange-brown right now.

[Braces?]: Not anymore.

[Glasses?]: Yeppers!

[Freckles?]: Not anymore really.

[Anything else appearance-wise you'd like to share?]: Heh. I got cute feet!


[Are your parents separated/divorced?]: Not yet.

[Any siblings?]: Aye.

[Cousins?]: Quite a few.

[Niece(s)/Nephew(s)?]: ...Not that I know of...

[Grandparents?]: 2 Grandmothers and a Grandfather.

[Aunt(s)/Uncle(s)?]: Yep

[Pets?]: Two dogs, and to many fucking cats.

[Marital Status]: Single, but not because I want to be -or at least not anymore (...that I want to be single anymore I mean...)

[Do you have any kids?]: Fuck no...never, although...Justin did promise me little black 'n white kids so if they're that little mocha color sure... Oh gawd,

: [If so, do you have any grandkids?]: No, and I don't want any -unless they keep it black...

[Anything else family-wise you'd like to share?]: Umm...My father is a bastard?


[Do you drive?]: Yeppers.

[If so, do you have your own car? What do you drive?]: Err...It's like like in my name or anything but a 1996 Plymouth Breeze in the color of PRUNE (::disgust::) BUT! There is a 1974 Super Beetle I really like in the Trading post for only around 3000 dollars (buy it for me???)

[Do you have a credit card?]: Nope, never.

[What's your e-mail address?]:

[What's your screen name?]: ThePQ4

[Do you have a LiveJournal or any other type of online blog?]: Well...duh.

[Do you keep a personal, private, offline journal?]: Sort of... In a way...

[Do you have any extremely close friends?]: A few -but even then I keep some of the details sketchy (like none of you REALLY know what I did with Justin last night...) Heh.

[Any friends you wouldn't consider anymore than:] Umm... Don't you mean "Any friends you would concider more then"? In that case -uh no! In the other case -what the fuck are you talking about?!

[Do you have anyone you'd trust with your life?]: ...No, but my life really isn't all that valuable.

[Do you live alone, or with roommates/family?]: Family...the fuckers.

[Do you rent, own a house, or live somewhere for free?]: ...Since I live at home under my parent's roof...I...clean house and keep everyone in clean clothes for room and board.

[Education]: Still in High school ('06 baby!)


[Do/would you dye your hair?]: Uh, hell yea! How do you think my hair got this color?

[Any piercings?]: Just my ears, but maybe my nose or eyebrow someday -I've been thinking about my lip too, but that might be alittle obnoxious -to mean I mean.

[Tattoos?]: Not yet -I'm waiting until I'm in college so then my Mom has to wait until a holiday to yell at me for it.

[Make-up?]: Sometimes. I found this wine sort of colored lipstick that I make look SO good!

[Do you wear fishnet?]: Fuck yes! Fishnet is hot!

[Hoodies?]: Uh yea, I own like...four.

[T-shirts?]: They're what I live in!

[Jeans?]: ...Deniem is my life...

[Parachute or cargo pants?]: Cargo. Parachute pants are funny :)

[Trenchcoats?]: I've always wanted a tan trenchcoat... I always thought they looked really sexy...

[Shirts with witty, sarcastic little sayings on them?]: Fuck yea,.

[Short-shorts?]: Not nessissarily but hey whatever... You put it in my dresser and I'll wear it.

[Short-shorts with words across the rear?]: ...not like in public or anything.

[Mini-skirts?]: Fuck no!

[Dresses or skirts?]: Skirts...shorter skirts because I have nice legs.

[Sunglasses?]: I can't -I wear glasses remember?

[Any pins, baubles, studded belts, or other accessories?]: ...Saftey pins...My sister has this cool studded belt I'm gonna start stealing... Oh and I have quite a few necklaces.

[How about those little:] Little what...

[Do you own a watch?]: Erm...I used to.

[Do you actually wear it?]: No, because it doesn't fit me right.

[...and frequently refer to it for the time?]: No, but when I'm out shopping or something I turn the alarm on for my phone.

[What kind of shoes do you wear?]: Flip flops or Joggers -oh yea, and my Shanes.

[Do you wear sandals in the summertime?]: Fuck yea,

[Do you wear fancy socks?]: Umm...sure, but I go around barefoot or with flop flops on like 95% of the time so... the chances of me wearing socks are slim.

[Would you rather walk around barefoot all the time?]: I do, but that doesn't mean I like it!

[Would you go out in public in your pyjamas?]: Well duh!

[Do you paint your fingernails?]: Who doesn't?

[... do you paint your toenails?]: Yea, 'cause I wear sandles and my toes should look pretty too... I wonder if foot-fetish guys prefer naked toes though... Mmm...

[Do you wear armwarmers/legwarmers?]:!

[How about scarves, hats, ponchoes... etc.?]: I've started to wear hats a bit more -bucket hats which make me look like a dork, but whatever.

[Do you like to wear winter clothing in the summertime?]: Just hoodies.

[If so, do you like to do so to confuse people? Or to make them stare?]: Oh no.

[Jewelry?]: My rubber bracelets, my Penguin Necklace, and my class ring -but thats only when I'm out in public.

[Anything else style-wise you'd like to share?]: Uh... I've started to like tank-tops for some reason... No idea why since my shoulders suck -but I've actually ventured out in public in them.


[If you're in school, what kinds of grades do you get?]: Pretty good. A+'s to C-'s.

[Do you actually try, or just get those grades regardless?]: Um...most of the time I just sort of get them without trying because I'M A FUCKING GENIUS! but sometimes I have to try...

[Do you hold a job?]: No...

[Do you like it? Get paid well?]: NA

[In class, do/did you prefer to daydream rather than listen?]: Umm...only in Math classes.

[Do/did you write on your hands and/or arms?]: YES! Omg, yes. I've even written on my ankles when I have jeans on... that's where I write the initals of the boys I like... or cute teachers, whatever.

[If so, did you do it after repeatedly being told that it was bad for you?]: Yes...

[Do/did you like to doodle on spare notebook paper rather than take notes?]: No!! I love notes!!! ::scribbles down a few right now!::

[Do/did you talk to your classmates/co-workers a lot?]: Umm...sure.

[... when you weren't supposed to?]: Not really, I try to keep teachers on my good side but I can be a bit obnoxious in some classes where I actually AM a fucking genius.

[Are/were you a class clown/on-the-job goof?]: Sometimes, but that's really more of a 'man's job'.

[Do you even care of other people around you are disturbed by your antics?]: No.

[Do/did you do any extracurricular activities?]: Yep. Mock Trial, Forensics, and FFA.

[Were you motivated to do well in those activities?]: Fuck yes. I got a fucking silver pin in Forensics, fucker!!!

[... more so than during the actual school day?]: Well duh!

[Do you try your best just so you can get by/get what you want?]: Sure. Doesn't everyone?

[... do you try to get good grades just so your parents don't kill you?]: No. Jeez, obviously you've never met my parents!

[... just to keep teachers off your back?]: Naw, my teachers like me :)

[Is there anything else about school/work you'd like to mention?]: I'm a history dork and Bertlesen is like the best guy in the world -but i like Stutzman better. .. Oh yea! And Don Anderson was the hottest fucking teacher at all of Augusta High and NOW HE'S GONE! (Which is why I can say this in a 'public' place...)


[Colour]: Green or blue. More likely to find me wearing blue as it really is "my" color.

[Number]:'s such a great number! I mean it's not to much, it's not to few. It's perfect!

[Animal]: Dog.

[Flower]: Lilacs.

[Tree]: tree?

[Book]: Harry (fucking) Potter and the Order of the (fucking) Pheonix!

[Movie]: Um... Dogma or...Rasputin!!

[Song]: ...Right now it's prolly either "Breaking the Habit" by Linkin Park or "Whiskey Lullaby" by Brad Paisley and Allison Kraus.

[Band/Singer]: QUEEN!

[Food]: ...Chicken sounds good...

[Vegetable]: Wow... I never realised me and Ama K liked to many of the same things -Potatoes rock! I never really even THOUGHT of potatoes before!

[Fruit]: Ooh, Tomatoes for me, but Grapes are a like...a tie almost. Black ones are the best but I settle for red.

[Object]: Umm...My favorite object... ::ponders:: Maybe...My...Nebula necklace or... one of my notebooks.

[Scent]: Ooh, vanilla! but I like Lilac too...

[Vehicle]: a VW-Bug from the late 60's or early 70's.

[Soda]: Mountain dew.

[Drink]: Soda Pop.

[Type of Pizza]: Sausage.

[Ice Cream]: ...Strawberry is actually very good when I can get it.

[Junkfood]: Chips or chocolate.

[Vacation Place]: Not that I've ever actually GONE on a vacation but... Prolly like a New England state.

[TV Show]: Friends or Will and Grace.

[Board Game]: Clue is the best fuckin' board game on the planet!!! I like Life too...and Monopoly (but my sister and I can't play that anymore because we trash talk each other to much...)

[Video Game]: Umm... Sphinx and the Mummy or whatever.

[Bird]: ...Err... A hawk like Tobias from Animorphs!

[Mammal]: A guy...

[Reptile]: Comodo Dragons or whatever.

[Insect]: ...Gross.

[Fish/Sea Animal]: Guppies or Betas

[Poem]: I'm Nobody (Who are you?) by Emily Dickenson.

[Author]: J.K. Rowling or Sarah Dessen.

[Poet]: ...Uh. Not really into poetry to have a favorite.

[Artist]: Mm... Piccaso was pretty fucking cool, and Andy Worhal.

[Teacher]: Stutzman or Bertlesen.

[Subject]: History!!


[Do you drink?]: Nope. Not legally any ;)

[Smoke?]: Nope

[Cheat (on anything)?]: Umm...only at games. I don't have a boyfriend to cheat on (although Justin says after we get married I can sleep with all the girls I want! lol -him and his dumb lesbians...::sigh:: -right...anyway...)

[Swear/Cuss?]: Fuck yea.

[Do you spend an abnormally unhealthy amount of time on the computer?]: ::snort:: You think being online at 3 in the morning is unhealthy?Then yea!

[Do you diet?]: I should...

[Own a webcam?]: No, but I can get one for 10 bucks out of the trading post.

[Post pictures and/or other personal information on the Internet?]: Sometimes...::cough::

[Do you stay organized?]: I do for the most part -I mean I know where everything IS don't I? That doesn't mean other people can find it...

[... do you clean so much that it could be considered obsessive?]: Naw. I'm a bit of a messy person but I try to keep my clutter to a minimum.

[Own a printer?]: Yep

[A scanner?]: Yep.

[A digital camera?]: Fuck yes.

[A microphone?]: I wish I did...fuckers.

[A cell phone?]: Yep.

[Multiple instant messaging programs?]: Yep -three.

[A headset?]: Nope.

[A personal TV?]: Nope.

[A video game system?]: Yep.

[Does your cell phone have special perks like text messaging and AIM?]: well I can get them...

[Do you own a CD player?]: Not like a boombox, but I have a discman and my steros.

[How about a Gameboy?]: I want one! My Aunt wanted to get one for my Grandma for Christmas actually...

[A sketchbook?]: There are a couple on a shelf behind me but they aren't mine.

[Any anime/manga and/or related merchandise?]: Fuck yes. I have a couple Yu-Gi-Oh posters...

[And odd trinkets and such that would make people think you're a packrat?]: Dur. Obviously you've never seen my bedroom!

[Do you own a lot of books?]: Yea...

[CDs?]: Not a lot, but a few.

[DVDs/movies?]: Yep.

[Do you own a dictionary or thesaurus?]: Yep. Imagine that, a writer with a dictionary and thesaurus. Mind you, I don't use them a lot.

[How about some other type of reference book?]: My mom got a discarded set of Encyclopideas from the library but they aren't mine...

[What's your desktop background right now?]: Invader Zim.

[Do you have an abnormally large amount of icons on your desktop?]: Umm... Only 14.

[What applications/programs do you have open right now?]: Just the internet.

[Do you like to write?]: Fuck yes.

[If so, what types of things do you write?]: ...Umm... erotica of of the m/m and m/f persausion and a bit of the screenplay when I'm felling really bored.

[Are you IMing someone right now?]: It's fucking three in the morning, what do you think?

[E-mailing someone?]: Nope.

[Or using some other form of computer communication right now?]: NO, NOW LEAVE ME ALONE ABOUT IT!!!

[Do you use lots of emoticons when you type?]: Only in my Xanga.

[Do you wonder,: about...

[If you wondered that, then do you use smileys when you type?]: err...

[Do you have tastes that most people would consider to be odd?]: Dur. I'm a 16 year old who enjoys a life of undisclosed crime, fetish, gay erotica, and don't even make me mention Queen!

[Do you like to play with fire? Meaning, are you a pyro?]: Never really got into fire... Is it fun?

[How about a cryo? (I.E., do you like to play with ice?)]:

[Do you like porn?]: *cough* What would make you think that someone like ME would like PORNOGRAPHY?! ...okay, so Justin gave me a few links but that doesn't mean I enjoyed it!!!

[Do you have inexplicably large amounts of hentai/porn on your computer?]: Noooo.... although I should delete my cookies...

[Do you associate:]. No.

[Would you rather print your name or write in cursive?]: I sort of...scrawl.

[Do you have a signature word, phrase, or gesture?]: Fuck yes. (Aye, Joyful, Funkins, I'm developing "fuck yes"...)

[Are you easily amused with flash animation and the like?]: Yes...

[Do you think this quiz is getting entirely too long?]: Nevah. Gimmie more!


[Ever had a crush?]: Duh.

[Think you've ever been in love?]: ::sigh::

[Are you straight, bisexual, or gay/lesbian?]: Straight, but I don't really know if that's a question I should be answering right now... If you like shemales what does that make you? I mean not that I like shemales, but they're very interesting people...

[Do you spend a lot of your time viewing people in a romantic manner?]: ...No?

[Do you drool over celebreties or pop stars?]: Heh. Yes!

[Do you have any behaviors that could be viewed as stalker-ish?] Heh. Sorta...

[First crush]: Richie something...

[First kiss]: Umm...Richie...

[First date]: ...Don't think I've had anything that counts as a date yet... although once, when I was talking to this guy Nick from California we had a fake date where when he took me home my 'father' sprayed him down with the hose. Hehe. I miss that guy. He's like what? 19 now?

[Do you believe in soul mates or significant others?]: Sure.

[Do you think you'll ever find yours?]: ...::snort:: Yea, right.

[How about love at first sight?]: ...why the hell else would I be almost obessed with a lesbian-porn-loving black dude from Indiana? (You almost thought I said I was in a love with a lesbian didn't cha?)

[Do you have frequent romantic fantasies or daydreams?]: ...No, of course not, why would you say that?

[ about erotic ones?]: ::cough:: Hey, I wasn't up most of last night for NOTHING!

[Are you outspoken about this subject?]: No, I'm actually pretty sheltered about most of my erotic tendancies...

[Are you tormented by this subject?]: Umm...

[Ever written a love note?]: ...No.

[Ever confessed love for someone face-to-face?]: Heh. No. Well...I told Nick (not the nick from before, the other Newer-Nick) that I liked him...

[Ever given a Valentine?]: Not since I was a little kid.

[... and meant it in a serious manner?]: No...not really.

[Ever had a secret admirer?]: I wish... You're so LUCKY Ama K!

[Ever BEEN a secret admirer?]: Uh yea, but I never sent notes or anything...

[Necrophilia?]: Heh. Sex with dead people... not for me, but whatever floats your boat.

[Bestiality?]: Mmm... What kind of animal ;) ...Just kidding... No, seriously, I'm just kidding... Oh c'mon guys!!!

[Sadism and/or Masochism?]: Aren't sort of the same thing? I dunno... I suppose if it wasn't like public or invovled things that would ACTUALLY hurt me... ::shrug:: I don't know! IT'S ALMOST THREE THIRTY IN THE MORNING!!!

[Are you a good kisser?]: ...I dunno... I haven't kissed anyone since I was like...little...

[Anything else you'd like to mention about your love life?]: Erm... I think I said to much...


[Date]: Augusta 26, 2004.

[Time]: 3:29 AM.

[Mood]: Embarressed.

[Music]: Nuthin, just the fan.

[Thought]: Jeez...I need to learn when to shut my mouth...

[Taste]: Umm...saliva?

[Scent]: Just my house...

[Sight]: Computer, speakers, digital camera, a cord to an outlit I can't really see, a printer, a cup and some undefinable items....

[Irritation]: Smudges...everywhere...aaah! That and this werid itch in my eye....and now my head itches...eeeergh!

[Crush]: Umm...Justin. Where the hell have you been since two?

[Book]: I'm supposed to be reading Artimis Fowl...but yea. I just finished Ghost World.

[Love]: Why don't I just stick my foot in my mouth RIGHT now?

[Hate]: People...period.

[Thing you should be doing]: Uh, sleeping like a NORMAL person!


[Gotten a speeding ticket?]: Nope.

[Been arrested?]: Not yet ;)

[Been in an accident?]: When I was little my Mom got hit by another car when she had the TOTAL right of way... I still have a light scar on my finger.

[Gotten caught with drugs?]: No... I don't DO drugs! I mean my obsessions and erotica keep me high enough... why mix drugs into it?

[Told more than a little white lie?]: Fuck yes.

[Fired a gun?]: Not like a -real- gun...

[Been in a fist fight?]: No...but I could be.

[Been mugged or threatened with arms?]: I live in a town with fewer then 2000 people. I don't think so...

[Been so drunk that you did something really funny or stupid?]: Never been that drunk.

[Been so drunk that you blacked out?]: Never been drunk period... Hell, I can drink like three daquires and get up at six in the morning without a fuckin' hang over -where as my sister is miserable after one shot of tequila.

[Been dumped or rejected?]: I suppose so...

[Been used by someone?]: Not that I know of?

[Used someone else?]: ...Probably, yes.

[Kicked someone in the balls?]: Heh. Yea. -why does that say someone instead of 'a man' or 'a guy' women have balls now or are you talking about that general area?

[Gouged someone's eyes out?]: No, thats mean.

[Shoplifted or stolen something?]: Nope...well, not from a store... I stole from the Court House though!! I pen... Nothing big, jeez!

[Taken a foreign language course?]: Spanish when I was in the 8th grade but that was mandatory.

[Stolen a friend's boyfriend/girlfriend unintentionally?]: ...I wish.

[... intentionally?]: No.

[Taken a self-defense class?]: Um...when I was a third grader I got my white belt (hiiii-ya!)

[Made a winning point in a sport?]: Hahahahaha! You're kidding right?

[Won a trophy?]: Yep, I have lots...well okay, like...five, but including ribbons... more on the side of 15?

[Given money or possessions to charity?]: Um...Good Will.

[Been on TV or the radio?]: Umm...Not intentionally?

[Been on a game show?]: I wish!!

[Gone to a concert?]: Yep. I went to an NSYNC concert... -hey! They had GOOD FUCKIN' MUSIC!

[Gotten backstage passes?]: ::cries:: No!!!

[Broken a computer or other electronic device?]: Probably.

[... simply because you were in a rage for something it did wrong?]: ...No.

[Failed a test?]: Umm...No. Well...okay. maybe a few math tests, but whatever!

[Aced a test?]: hahahaha, YES!

[Gone to the principal's office?]: ...yes... but not for anything like 'that'...or that you perv!

[Gotten fired, banned, or suspended from something?]: ::snort:: I wish!

[Gone skydiving or bungee-jumping?]: Uh, I don't think so.

[Gone snorkling or scuba-diving?]: Fuck no.

[Been on an airplane?]: Some day -'cause I don't think I could handle two weeks or so on a boat to England...

[Been on a train?]: The little one at the fair.

[Had sex for money? Or considered it?]: ::snort:: I think I'll stay quiet -not that I ever have!!!

[Killed or severely mauled someone?]: ...I've wanted to.

[Given someone a severe emotional breakdown?]: Heh. Probably. I'm very mean.

[Talked someone out of suicide?]: Umm...No, but I've had people talk me out of mine...

[Considered suicide yourself?]: Did you read my previous posts...try back in April (bad month...)

[Committed plagiarism?]: Not intentionally ::runs away and cries::

[...and gotten caught?]:

[Visited a foreign country?]: Fuck no.

[Deleted a saved game that you were REALLY far in?]: YES!!! ::cries some more::

[Gotten stuck in a tree?]: I don't climb trees...

[Cried or screamed during a movie?]: Yes... HEY, MIGHTY JOE YOUNG WAS A SAD-ASS MOVIE!!! -but I cried during Beaches too when the girls Mom died...::starts to cry all over again:: that was SO SAD! I should watch that.

[Gotten sick in school or in some other public place?]: Not like pukey sick... gross.

[Gone on a roller coaster?]: omg...yes. Never again! Never again I say!

[Done anything else really wacky?]: Probably...

[Anything else you'd like to tell us about?]: ...Yes, but I'll keep quite 'cause I'm sure I've scared off a lot of my good friends by now.


[What do you fear?]: Umm...Fear? I dunno. Going really really really fast without a propper seat belt?

[Any inexplicable phobias?]: Roller coasters... ::shiver::

[What's your stance on abortion?]: Um... Well...If he's paying for it...::shrug:: But seriously, I'm for it. I mean if a girl doesn't want her baby (and it's not even really a fucking baby, it's not it can walk or talk or even has a fully functioning brain yet...) then let her deal with it however she wants. The world has to many fucking kids already in adoption agencies and wards of the state.


[What's your stance on cross-dressing?]:

[How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?]: Maybe about as much as a beaver?

[How the hell would you go about chucking wood, anyway?]: ...Knaw away at it...

[Have any recurring dreams?]: I used to have this weird one with a leprechan, but I think I'm over that now.

[Do you believe in aliens and/or U.F.O.'s?]: Fuck yes!

[Ghosts or spirits?]: You can't live in my house and NOT!

[Past lives?]: I'd like to. I mean we can't just all sease to exist can we? I mean I think we totally like "recycle" and reuse our 'spirts' or whatever you want to call them over and over and over.

[Your thoughts on pre-marital sex?]: ...Umm... Well...actually... I don't plan on ever being married and hell, I'll probably just get my tubes tied before then if I ever do (because kids suck, okay?!?!) that case, why the fuck should sex wait until marriage? Some people just loooove to ruin a good thing by tacking on religion and all that sorta crap. Sex is supposed to SUCK after marriage... So get the fun out of it while you can!

[How about downloading music illegally off of the Internet?]: Love it...mind you, I don't -do it-...but hey...

[Is the glass half-empty, or half-full?]: Have you drank out of it or not?

[If a tree falls in a forest and there's no one around to hear it...]: makes a loud boom.

[If everyone were to forget you, would you ever have really existed?]: Probably not, but I'm hoping I'd leave some sort of empression on the world.

[Which came first: the chicken, or the egg?]: Whatever was before the chicken had to lay the evolution... sooo....err...yea.

[Do you believe in total and complete perfection?]: Never.

[What's your take on religion and/or gods/God?]: Fuck religion.

[Give me some of your thoughts on the human race.]: ...You're all bastards, hows that? Oh yea! And your society blows!!

[Don't you think guys should have to shave their unsightly body hair, too?]: ...Dur.

[Do you think the world would be a better place without technology?]: No...that would suck.

[Do you think the world would be better off without humans?]: Yes. We suck.

[Or do you think another species would eventually take their place?]: Probably. Maybe dogs...or cows!! Or another race of humanish beings...

[Is dog REALLY man's best friend?]: Yes.

[What do you think about fate and/or destiny?]: Maybe...

[What about cloning?]: Not ME... but clone as many animals as you want honey.

[If you could make three wishes, what would they be?]: True Ever-lasting love with a guy almost exactly like me with enough qwirks to keep him fun, everlasting amount of money, and...for all those little wards of states and kids in adoption agencies, and homeless to find good parents who raise them right and not to be little hellions or assholes.

[If you could have a superpower, what would it be? How would you use it?]: ...Can I be blue like Nightcrawler?!

[Have you ever felt bad for the Trix rabbit? You know, from the cereal...]: ...Not really...'cause Trix really are for kids! Rabbits shouldn't eat ceral!

[Do you believe that there is a such thing as knowing EVERYTHING?]: Yes.

[Then how would an all-knowing being know what it was to know nothing?]: ...They didn't ALWAYS not know everything...

[If you could be famous, what would you want to be famous for?]: A book, or maybe something kinky ;)

[Speaking of fame, would you rather have fame or wealth?]: ...Wealth 'cause money is loads more important in the world.

[When someone sneezes, what do you say?]: Need a kleenex?

[Do you think correcting people is rude, or do you do it all the time?]: I do it all the time. It's annoying!!!

[Why did the chicken REALLY cross the road?]: So that I could POOP ON IT! No, ...Chicken's don't cross roads, they're in "chicken coops'...they farthest they really should walk is across the barn yard.

[Do you frequently make up words? And then use them?]: Dur.

[If you were fully capable of granting world peace, would you?]: Sure.

[Do you think that chaos and disorder actually keep order and balance?]: Yes.

[Do you have this odd fascination with oompa loompas?]: ...No...but now that you mention it... No.

[What was your favourite childhood movie/toy/game/etc.?]: Umm...I don't remember...child hood was a long time ago!

[Do you often remember your dreams? Record them? Learn from them?]: Yes, I remember quite a few

[Have any prophetic dreams or visions?]: ...I've had total deja vu sometimes.

[Do you think this quiz was too long, or did it satisfy your boredom?]: Erm.... It was long...but I had loads of terrifying fun! Off to bed a normal person!!!!!
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