Apr 14, 2005 22:30
My programming contest is tomorrow. I'm a little excited, anxious, and nervous. There are only going to be 15-20 contestants though, so my chances to do well are pretty decent.
I worked on my car a little today, but I need to get radiator mounting brackets to get any further. Once I get those, I can put up my radiator, fan, and intake. Then all I have is exhaust, some hoses, the fluids, and to make sure I got all the wiring correct.
Also, I love my cats. If I could, I would lay in a shallow ball-pit style pile of kitties. I'd make sure I put up a "no throwing the cats" sign for all you sickos out there (besides, cats may be furry, but they have claws too!).
BTW cograts to MCG on his recent interview, I hope you feel better soon Stephanie, and to Manny and Ryan: I hope to get a large game of Mario Kart Double Dash together when the women folk are on their trip. Hopefully we can hook up 2 gamecubes and get 8 players going :)