Apr 19, 2004 01:48
To Answer a few questions:
1. The EA thing is not a definite, and if at all possible, I would stay with AAA. I'm just taking it one step at a time. I still have school too, and EA might get in the way of that..
2. I'm taking a trip down to West Palm with my fiance and some good friends for Heather's B-Day. It'll be a blast.
3. Kill Bill Vol 2 was great (but the first was better..heh). Unless you totally hate Tarantino, or old kung-fu movies, check it out. (Man, Tarantino is on a kick, another kung-fu movie with Jet Li coming out soon? Looks good so far...)
4. I like lists. It makes things orderly. Like this is number 4.
5. Everything as we know it would be completely different if when they were developing the idea of time, they went by a different amount of minutes or seconds other than 60. Making the hour 120 minutes long, and we would only have half as many hours. I know most of it was formulated by using the sun stone, but it would be odd it someone decided to change the rules amongst a crazy power trip (Nero? , Napoleon? Bush ;)? )
6. I'm a little odd...yeah.
well..maybe it's the lack of sleep. brain may be shutting down early. Goodnight all.