How many of you kids have voted in your primaries so far? Why, why not? Are you hopeful about this election at all?
As I'm sure most people who have turned on the news (or at the very least, the Colbert Report last week), PA's was last week. I didn't vote, mostly because registered independents can't in any primary. I don't feel Hilz or Obama are different enough to warrant reregistering. I was slightly surprised by how much Hilary won considering the entire city of Philadelphia has a hard on for Obama. Seriously, I'm very very creeped out by the HOPE and CHANGE campaign.
These are all fucking over Philadelphia, it's ridiculous how much Obama propaganda is covering this city. Don't get me wrong, I dislike the other guys too, anyone i'm really sympathetic to has dropped out (except maybe Naderino), but OBAMAMMAMAMAMRAMA is all up in my face.