So yesterday my friend Chris and I went exploring Ortliebs Brewery! And i took pictures.
Chris checking shit out. There were like three almost gutted buildings surrounding this flat courtyard shit.
Uncle funky Pmax wuz hur
second floor
What with it being a brewery there are giant holes where the vats used to be
Chris looking at shitz. It's funny, ignore his head or the wall in the foreground. Beyond them i think is the scene that most convinces me of a time of actual use
A shitty picture, but i'm using it to plea my case for not having ventured further up. Rusty stairs be scarin me.
But Chris did, with my camera
And he found a paaaaaaaaaarrrrttttaaaayyyyyyyy.
And somebody's bedroom? This is why you should go to these places during the winter in the daytime, people are less likely residin in there.
A tree grows in Northern Libertiesssssss*~*~*~*~*~