:D First post!

Aug 02, 2006 11:51

Hey there, people. My first post, and first work posted.

History: I wrote this at UVA last year, when we got to go to a different workshop for one day (I chose fiction). All I remember is that the scene had to take place in a graveyard, and it had to be almost entirely dialogue.

He sat in front of the grave, on top of where the coffin was undoubtedly in the grund, staring relentlessly at the inscription. His chin rested on his knees, hands grasping his own ankles, and anyone who might have happened by would have avoided the small persn in ragged clothes.

Crunching footsteps sounded out in the frosty Novenber air, and he refused to turn even when they stopped behind him.


Of course it had to be her. Reluctantly, he patted the ground next to him, still not turning. "How'd you find me?"

"I saw Karen. Met her by chance, really, but asked her where you might be on a day like this."

"How is she?"

"Doing well. She went back to her familiy and is getting home schooled until she can go to college."

"I'm proud of her. And you?"

"I went back home, too."

He finally met her gaze, eyes wide in surprise.

"Now, after everything?"

"There were mutual apologies. We forgave each other. Not forgotten, but I think they can respect me now."

"That's good." Devlin perused her clothing, taking in the designer windbreaker that stood out most of all. "You went back to your old clothing."

"Yeah, I'd almost forgotten how nice it was. Benefits of a rich family, y'know?" She leaned in closer to him and whispered in his ear, "You must realize, I haven't forgotten anything that happened between us, or Las Vegas."

Devlin' face took on a shade of bright crimson. "Susan..."

"I can forgive you for leaving, too, if you just come back with me now. Shepherd can wait for a little while longer."

He cast a guilty glance at the gravestone. "Are you sure you can put up with me?"

"Maybe, maybe not. Whatever. But you're here, back home so just follow me. It's stupid to stay out here when there's living people waiting for you."

Susan grabbed his hand and pulled him top his feet, ignoring the small protest. He stumbled once before easily falling in step behind her, even as he pretended to ignore her hand still holding his.


Yup. I know I wrote this a year ago, but my mental image of Devlin now is somebody very similar to L.
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