4.18 The Monster at the End of the Book Thoughts

Apr 03, 2009 19:47

I had originally planned to do a full on reaction post but I was laughing so hard toward the begining that I could barely keep the laptop on my lap much less type. XP So instead it's a post with more of my after thoughts and maybe a few theories.

So I want to start off with what I think the significance of the title is. From what I've seen on the forums a lot of people think that the monster at the end of is Zachariah because he was the last character we saw and he was looking rather suspicious. Personally I think it has a little more to do with the actual book "The Monster at the End of this Book" and the Brothers Winchester.  I don't know how much of stretch this is so please bear with me. lol. So in the book Grover knows there's suppose to be a monster on the last page. Because of this he puts various obstacles so that he and the reader doesn't get to the end. When you finally get the the end you find out that the monster was in fact Grover. So what I was thinking was that Dean is Grover and Sam is the Reader.  Throughout the entire episode Dean was trying to do the exact opposite of what was written to try and not to get to what he thinks is the monster, which is Lilith. Sam on the other hand is more accepting of this idea and does everything he can to get there, much like the reader who keeps turning the pages despite Grovers obsticals. At the end of thier scenes at least Sam realises that Lilith is not the monster but maybe that Dean is to an extent.  I hope that made sence.

That being said I ABSOLUTELY LOVE CHUCK!!!!!!!! He's just so adorable and I feel really bad for the guy. But I really curious as to what he saw in his last prophecy. I mean he basically saw the season finale (or maybe the series finale ????) and he wanted to kill himself.  So does that mean that when we see the season finale we'll want to kill ourselves. Oh and Spoilers should offically be known as Prophecies. Just saying.

The entire scene where Cas was so totally 'not helping' Dean was just awesome. I did think it was possible for me to love my little angel more and then he goes and has character developement.  And the way he whispers Deans name...*melts*  You know he's a total Dean fanboy.

Finally, Eric Kripke is a frickin' evil genius but I love him. I swear if he goes the San Diago Comic Con I want to give him a hug. All the poking fun of the fandom was pure genius. Julie Seige did an awesome job, especially for being a relitively new writer for the series (At least I think she is). The entire episode was just so quoteable. "I am the prophet Chuck" is probably one of my favorite lines ever!


kripke is a flippen genius, supernatural, cas is a total dean fanboy, i hate hiatuses

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