Should be but I'm not

Jan 18, 2005 22:44

I should be doing homework, but I'm putting it off for a little while to update this here thingie. I have four short papers due tomorrow that I haven't really started, but I'm not overly concerned. I took a fun quiz which I'm going to include at the end of this, but I didn't just want to toss the results up here and not help people keep tabs on my life, lol. BTW, I haven't been keeping tabs on any of yours, really, so if I say something totally stupid it could just be because I'm not in the know. How old is that phrase, in the know? Geez. Anyway, back to me. I'm doing the working full time and taking 12-credit hours thing again. I'm on campus from 8:30-7:30 Monday through Thursday. Gahh, it sucks. I'm taking Intro to Electronic Mass Communications, Intro to Creative Writing (which was supposed to be my blow-off class, but we have to write 20 journals and like 3 major essays), Editing for Journalism (which includes an hour-a-week commitment with a mentor in my field), and 17th Century British Literature. Lots of fun. But I have to get to homework now, so I'll see a good number of you this weekend.

Here's the quiz. I think I'm more of a wind dragon, but it's mostly because I like to think that I'm very intelligent and like to deny the controlling part of my personality that thirsts for power.

Your an ice dragon! Congrats! Out of all the
dragons, you are most powerful but do not like
to show it. A rare and special creture, you
have artistic style and are great at expressing
yourself. You think friends and Familly are the
most important, and are a hopeless romantic.
But of course, as ice goes, you can be a little
cold or harsh at times. But not to worry, you
always apoligize later!

What elemental dragon are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
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