TMJ and Marathons

Jun 18, 2007 14:29

I think that I have TMJ, or a problem with my TMJ or however you are supposed to describe when it really hurts to chew or even clench your teeth because of your jaw. I looked it up online, and it said that can be the result of posture or looking at a computer all day or clenching your teeth subconsciously. Whatever, it hurts. What am I supposed to do about this? I guess I should start by not eating these good 'n plentys, but they're soooo good (and plenty).

I just finished the book Ultramarathon Man by Dean Karnazos, and anybody who has ever wanted to be inspired to start running should definitely pick it up. This guy is so incredibly bad makes a marathon seem like a piece of cake. I'd really love to run a marathon within the next couple of years. Even though I'm not the best runner in the world, anybody who disciplines themselves enough can do it, I believe. Also, it's never too late to start running- this guy ran in high school, stopped, and didn't pick up a pair of tennis shoes again until he was 30. Now, he's in his 40's and still going strong. I want to be one of those little old ladies trucking down the street in her Adidas,  that's for sure.

This weekend I am going up north and the following weekend, I am going to New York. I'm so excited for both trips, but for completely different reasons. I'm a little nervous about getting the visa in NY, but I have a feeling that it will all work out once I'm there. There's no point freaking out about it, I suppose.

I can't believe that June is halfway over. This summer is going much faster than I expected, like they always do. But I'm just relaxing and enjoying the ride.

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