Stalk Like An Egyptian

Jun 08, 2006 07:03

Aboard the USS Cairo:
"Er… Sir?" Ensign Legatto said nervously from his comm station. "I think we have a problem with the sensors. They are, um, turning off by themselves."
Captain Leslie Wong looked up from her PADD. "What do you mean, 'turning off by themselves'?"
"Well, one minute there was, er, a hole in the sensor sweeps outside the port hull, and now some of the internal sensors have gone offline and the external sensors are back online. I can't even get a life form reading on deck three." Legatto looked at his display and gulped, "Er, and it seems to be moving up to deck four and moving forward."
Wong's eyes widened. "It's
Lothar! He is on the ship. Get security down there NOW!" Just then, the bridge went dark. "What the hell?" Captain Wong looked around as emergency lights flickered on. She tapped her commbadge. "Security, this is Captain Wong."
"Yes, Captain?" her badge crackled.
"Lothar is on the ship, most likely heading to Ten Forward. Get every man you can there and detain him." Wong waited for a reply. When she heard nothing, she tapped her commbadge again. "Security! Come in!"
"Umm… sir?" Legatto spoke up.
"What is it now, ensign?" Captain Wong asked impatiently.
"It seems that, um, all commbadges have gone offline… And, er, the sensor hole is now on deck five, and er… appears to be moving toward the computer core…"
"Ensign, go and find security," Wong yelled as she headed for the turbolift. She hurriedly stepped inside and shouted "Get them to detain Lothar by any means possible! Deck six." The turbolift went dark. "Does anything still work around here?" Wong screamed as she headed for the Jeffery's tube.
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