Evil Janeway continued to
snicker and gloat about the
destruction of
KY Jellico and the planet he rode in on. Suddenly, her communications officer shouted out, "
Someone set us up the bomb!"
"What you say?" she gasped.
"Someone set us up the bomb," he repeated. "That's the message being broadcast to us on all standard frequencies, jamming our equipment. According to doppler analysis, whoever or whatever is broadcasting the message is headed right for us." He gulped. "Extremely fast."
"How could anyone have found us?" Evil Janeway asked herself rhetorically, before barking out the order, "Evasive maneuvers!"
"We can't do any kind of evasive maneuvers while attached to the
secondary hull," her navigator replied, earning himself a quick death less than a minute before impact.
"All hands, brace for impact," she shouted out, dropping her smoking disrupter pistol. "All shields on maximum," she instructed the crewmember who nervously took over the helm. She thought for a mere two seconds before adding, "Full impulse power! The jerry-rigged hull attachments might not hold under full power! Maybe we can shake it off, and then deal with the intrud-"
It was a good idea. Pity it took longer to give the order than there was time remaining to implement it.
The bomb,
hastily created from an old nacelle, warp core, and other spare parts, detonated eight meters away from its target via a deliberately self-induced warp core breach.
There was, of course, no way for the
recently self-aware AI on Surak's Razor to know the extent of the damage caused by the bomb. It hoped that the destruction was total; but it would have to wait to find out for sure. If Evil Janeway had survived, it would need to attack again. Fortunately, it had an ally in
Lothar who was adept at creating instruments of violence and destruction, without asking too many questions.
Lothar also had no way of knowing whether or not the bomb had succeeded in its mission. But he didn't really care, since he had no idea what its mission was. He just liked the idea of
getting drunk and building a big bomb.