(no subject)

Apr 21, 2008 03:47

And so to start, here be my first post about something I want to pusue;

This is how to Cosplay. Big time. Yeah.

In the coming months, I plan to start on my cosplay endeavor. I have never actually cosplayed before, but Iv'e tried making costumes and random materials for some of my friends, so I do have *a bit* of experience. Nonetheless, this will be a rather novel activity for me, although I have long been acquainted and familiar with the cosplay culture. Being a member of a special interest organization that focuses on anime and manga, I know quite a number of people who regularly cosplay. And owing to a number of friends and acquaintances from various fields, I have come to know about plenty of materials and techniques that may readily be used in cosplay.

Most cosplayers are stingy; this may owe to the fact that, locally, most cosplayers are students and young professionals who also have other priorities when it comes to financial matters.  So generally, a top priority of most cosplayers is that their costume or what they will be using for their costume isn't expensive, or more pricey than it ought to be. That principle would also be one on the top part of my list, but not neccesarily on the topmost. I guess this owes to my personal view that if I will be investing on something, whatever the amount, I'd rather it be a bit pricey and go along way than cheap and really lives up to it. Besides, with cosplay, sometimes it pays to have that additional "glam", hehe (there are a lot of discriminating folks out there, and I mean discriminating. Hell yeah.)

In the cosplay culture, there are actually two things a cosplayer has to go through: costume making, and the cosplaying itself. The wealthier and lazier ones sometimes opt to have their costumes made by enterprising or professional makers, although personally I think that it detracts the fun in cosplaying itself. If you are inadvertently affected by that, I'm sorry. Don't be offended, I bear no ill will towards people of the sort. I am simply the "do-it-yourself" type of guy, so I just can't see any reason not to try making something (unless it's rather deadly to make. Hey, even so...lol). So, most cosplayers make their own costumes. There are cosplay prodigies every now and then that seem to be able to make or look like anything, yet there are also a fair number of *cough*slapdash*cough* cosplayers. Of course, as with anything, there is always room  for improvement. And ultimately, it's not just the costume that makes the cosplayer. But let's not get into that. I simply plan to post updates about my very own cosplay projects, and write-ups about cosplay related stuff- how to's, articles and events. I am not a pro, and I doubt if I will learn everything about cosplay. But I do hope to enjoy and have lots of fun.

costumes, anime, cosplay, manga, expenses, cosplayers

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