Prompts (alphabetical by fictional person fandom & then by real person fandom):
Thomasina Coverly/Septimus Hodge: filler's choice
Casualty 1909:
Ethel Bennett/Millais Culpin: "him secretly training her to be a doctor and the sexual tension that ensues" or filler's choice
Kerry Weaver/Susan Lewis: "something set before Susan left the first time and before Kerry realized she was a lesbian" or filler's choice
Inara/Kaylee: "something happy and porny, preferably"
Horatio/Ophelia: them coming together because they're tired of always being ignored or filler's choice
Harry Potter:
Charlie Weasley/Viktor Krum: they love to fly together
Austria/Canada or Austria/Canada/Prussia: "how they got together" or filler's choice
Amber/Thirteen: hatesex or filler's choice
House/Gibbs or House/Wilson/Gibbs: [crossover with NCIS] "somehow, House and Gibbs meet, they butt heads, the headbutting leads to ~more, and they're either really amazing for each other or absolutely terrible for each other, but it works somehow."
Ariadne/Robert Fischer: "She's been in his subconscious. How does that change things going forward?"
Jurassic Park (movie or book 'verse):
Alan Grant/Ian Malcolm: "anything with them away from any live dinosaur action"
okay, look, if anyone is willing to help me keep track of where everyone is from, I will break this down into titles?
John Allerdyce/Hank McCoy: "modern day college age. with or without powers, up to filler."
Peter Parker/Johnny Storm: filler's choice
[s4 character spoilers]: see prompt at link
Elena/Morgana: modern AU or filler's choice
My Bloody Valentine:
Tom Hanniger/Castiel: [crossover with Supernatural] "possibly how Tom reacts to Cas becoming god" or filler's choice
Six-tails/Hyuuga Kou: "Chance meeting with lots of unresolved sexual tension please!"
Gibbs/House or Gibbs/House/Wilson: [crossover with House] "somehow, House and Gibbs meet, they butt heads, the headbutting leads to ~more, and they're either really amazing for each other or absolutely terrible for each other, but it works somehow."
Once Upon a Time:
Emma/Regina: "a fic of them getting together and having to explain to Henry that Regina isn't evil even if her counterpart is" or filler's choice
Evil Queen/Snow White: "or their modern-day counterparts" (assumed filler's choice)
Harper/Wyatt: back-of-ambulance fumbling or filler's choice
Star Trek: DS9:
Mirror!Dax/Mrs. Sisko: "they seemed to really hit it off at the end of 'Through The Looking Glass.'" (assumed filler's choice)
Star Trek: TOS:
Chekov/Sulu/Uhura: modern college AU or filler's choice
Stargate: Atlantis:
Elizabeth Weir/Radek Zelenka: fixfic for the repliWeir arc or filler's choice
Katie Brown/Laura Cadman: filler's choice
Stargate: SG-1:
Sam Carter/Teal'c: anything neither set during "Unending" nor also Sam/Jack (otherwise filler's choice)
Adam Milligan/Sam Winchester: filler's choice
Anna/Gabriel: "something set during the War in Heaven (when Lucifer rebelled)", human AU, or filler's choice
Anna/s3!Ruby: filler's choice
Ash/Gabriel: filler's choice
Ash/Gabriel: "anything including a trip to a beach and a bike (motorbike)."
Castiel/Scully: [crossover with the X-Files] "She never asked for his help."
Castiel/Tom Hanniger: [crossover with My Bloody Valentine] "possibly how Tom reacts to Cas becoming god" or filler's choice
Crowley/Dean Winchester: filler's choice
Dean Winchester/Gabriel: anything but PWP; otherwise filler's choice
Dean Winchester/Misha Collins: [crossover with Supernatural actor RPF; not s6e15-Misha] filler's choice
Lilith/Lucifer: filler's choice
Sam Winchester/Misha Collins: [crossover with Supernatural actor RPF; not s6e15-Misha] possibly not worksafe suggestions for fill at link; but filler's choice
the X-Files:
Scully/Castiel: [crossover with Supernatural] "She never asked for his help."
X-Men: First Class:
Emma Frost/Moira MacTaggert: "something based on the fact that Emma, a telepath, would have known Moira was hiding there at the beginning of the movie"
Adam Lambert+American Idol:
Adam/Mika: [crossover with (other) Musician RPF] filler's choice
Adam/Sauli/Terrance: "anything happy"
Adam/Terrance: "two longtime friends leaning on each other for comfort (and occasional ~release) on tour, and before they know it, they're kinda in love with each other."
Allison Iraheta/Camila Grey: filler's choice
(other) Musicians:
Mika/Adam Lambert: [crossover with Adam Lambert+American Idol RPF] filler's choice
Supernatural actors:
Mark Sheppard/Richard Speight Jr.: "something based off of the joke from JIBcon2 when they were talking about how, if there was an episode with Gabriel and Crowley, they'd spend the entire episode kissing" or filler's choice
Misha Collins/Dean Winchester: [crossover with Supernatural; not s6e15-Misha] filler's choice
Misha Collins/Sam Winchester: [crossover with Supernatural; not s6e15-Misha] possibly not worksafe suggestions for fill at link, but ultimately left as filler's choice
Fills (alphabetical by fictional person fandom & then by real person fandom):
"Cheeseburger in Paradise": Anna/s3!Ruby, complete, no warnings apply, safe for work
"Let's Jump Ahead": Castiel/Scully [crossover with the X-Files], complete, warnings not given, safe for work
"What Makes You Human": Adam Milligan/Sam Winchester, complete, contains major character death, not safe for work
untitled: Dean Winchester/Misha Collins [crossover with Supernatural actor RPF], WIP, contains bondage and D/s themes, not safe for work
the X-Files:
"Let's Jump Ahead": Scully/Castiel [crossover with Supernatural], complete, warnings not given, safe for work
X-Men: First Class:
"Diamond Princess": Emma Frost/Moira MacTaggert, complete, no warnings apply, safe for work
Supernatural actors:
untitled: Misha Collins/Dean Winchester [crossover with Supernatural], WIP, contains bondage and D/s themes, not safe for work
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