Ship Meme!

Jul 03, 2005 01:31

1. Pick your 5 favorite OTPs
2. Find pictures and post them
3. Give the name of the OTP and what fandom they're from
4. List your favorite moment between them
5. Tag 5 people from your flist to do this meme

Tagging: yubsie, thecleric007 , carrole , ravenclaw_devi , lady_suruzan

I probably missed something or used a weird ship, but this is all off the top of my head and stuff. :P

  • Lauren and Vaughn - Alias

Favourite Moment - 3x03, "Reunion" - She did his tie before a mission, and they talked about back when things used to be good - before Sydney returned and made everything complicated. They laughed together (about him dumping champagne on an ambassador, which is impossible to imagine :P) and then suddenly got serious, and he touched her face and didn't even need to say anything, because he was letting her know that they were going to make things work. It was a really deep, complex relationship for Alias, and I love that scene more than I should.

  • Sasame and Saihi - Pretear

Favourite Moment - 10 - Sasame gave up basically everything to be with Saihi, even though everyone, even Saihi herself, knew that the girl he loved was lost inside the Princess of Disaster. It didn't even really seem like he'd try to turn her, he just loved her so much that he couldn't bear to be without her.

  • Lara Notsil (or Gara Petothel, or Kirney Slane) and Myn Donos - Star Wars - Wraith Squadron

Favourite Moment - Iron Fist - Poor Lara was freaking out because she wasn't sure who she was anymore, and she was becoming way more attached to the Wraiths than she should have been, and she ended up running blindly down a corridor and crying on Myn's boots. It kind of showed Myn that some people had worse problems than he did. (It's been a while since I've read this book, so forgive any inaccuracies)

  • Sam and Martin - Without a Trace

Favourite Moment - 3x02, "Thou Shalt Not" - Well, it's between this and the part of that horrible Christmas episode where she tells him that he makes her happy. These two were adorable. But in Thou Shalt Not, they were undercover in an abortion clinic,and while Martin knew Sam was an agent and could take care of herself, not all of the fretting he was doing was part of his character as the boyfriend. He was so obviously worried about her that the receptionist felt the need to reassure him.

  •  Nadia and Weiss - Alias

Favourite Moment - 3x10, "The Index" - I whined to puggywuggy about picking a moment for this ship, as they never really had any big sweeping "moments" and usually left the party to do cute stuff offscreen, but I ended up picking her birthday, because he went to a party at her scary-ass dad's house and made her the chocolatiest cake ever, and kissed her on the forehead. And he was, like, the only person there she wasn't mad at.

without a trace, shippiness, meme, star wars, pretear, alias

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