Real Life Update From Tess

Jun 09, 2005 15:30

Okay, so it’s been a million years since I posted anything in this journal, so I’m going to try and get everything done at once without being too boring or rambly. I really mean to keep the journal up to date this time, even though I never really do anything.

First things first, I guess: I finished the first year of my arts degree program back in April, and I did better than I was expecting. I ended up with:

Symbolism and Ritual: A+
Development of Western Thought: A
Intro Classics: B
Intro Canadian History: A
Intro Psych: A+

This brought my cumulative GPA up to 3.0, which was my goal for the year, so I’m feeling pretty good about myself. Also, my GPA for the 2004/05 academic year was 4.0, so I’m on academic probation and the Dean’s List at the same time, which is kind of weird. And I finally got my courses arranged for next year (a strange mish-mash of political science, psychology and classics), so for once I’m actually feeling sort of confident about my academic career.

The only problem now is whether or not I can scrape together enough money to actually go next year. I’m not getting as many shifts as I would like at Joey’s, and Mom’s pressuring me to look for another job. I’m worried that if I get another job, it won’t be one I’ll be able to hold during the school year. Also, I expect to be getting some more shifts once the renovations in the dining room are done, since there are going to be about 100 more seats and we don’t have many servers on the floor.

It’s actually starting to look good in there, instead of being a disaster area, and the new kitchen is done, clean and nice. I bet it will be even better when I go in for work tomorrow, since my last shift was last Saturday and the construction crew is there all the time during the week. Maybe the front doors will even be operational and I can stop with the whole, “YOU CAN’T GO OUT THAT DOOR, SIR!” routine. Not that having a valid reason to yell at customers isn’t fun, but I’m always worried one will hurt themselves and we’ll get in trouble. Even though I still say it’s their fault if they go past all the DANGER! tape we put on the door that’s not ready yet and fall into the pit on the other side.

I’m using all this free time to mess around with Photoshop for the House Cup (which has just started again) and, of course, the force that drives my social life: friend drama. Yes, Tessie’s life is currently dominated by friend drama once again, and this is the bad bad kind.

I have just learned that I absolutely despise my best friend’s fiancé. He is critical, rude, manipulative and generally unpleasant to be around, and he makes my best friend the same way. He fights constantly my friend in such a passive-aggressive way. They’re always picking at one another in front of their friends, and made one of the people we were with so uncomfortable that she left early and went home. He also frequently made sexist remarks against both my friend and I, which she seemed to think were funny, but I found really offensive; and he was always apologizing for things that weren’t his fault in order to make us feel sorry for him. And the thing which annoyed me the most (and it’s a silly little thing, but I’m a dork and it bothered me) was that he refused to wear his seatbelt in my car, even after I asked him to. I mean, not that I was too worried about him, but not only could I get a fine if we were pulled over and he didn’t have his seatbelt on, but if I did get into an accident, he could potentially become a dangerous projectile and harm one of the people in the car who was actually a decent human being. I really don’t know how I’m going to be able to stand being in their wedding. Maybe they’ll break up before then. Hopefully. *is the worst best friend ever* :P

Oh, and yubsie, on a totally random note, because I suck at making entries flow from one topic to another, my family’s talking about their trip to Halifax again, though it won’t be for a while because Mom is still teaching right now. But they’ve definitely agreed to take me to visit you when they go. So as long as nothing drastic happens between now and then, we might actually end up being able to make the universe implode and meet.

work, school

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