Image meme gakked from
thecleric007 Google Image Search meme.
- go to Google
- click on the "images" tab
- type in your answers to each question, and click search
- answer with the first available picture you get back
Warning: this is full of pictures and may kill any slow connections =P
1. A picture of your first car
LMAO. It was a Spirit, btw.
2. The place where you grew up
3. The place you live now
4. What shows up when you type in your name?
Ew, tanlines. :P
5. What shows up when you type in your grandmother's name? (I did both of mine)
Marion (and that's the second one, because the first one was something creepy :P )
6. What shows up when you type in your favourite food?
7. What shows up when you type in your favourite drink?
8. What shows up when you type in your favourite song?
'I Wish I Could Go Back to College" - Avenue Q
9. What shows up when you type in your favourite smell?
Old books.
10. Your favourite pair of shoes ever?