[For Sugar (and Sophie)] Familiar faces in unfamiliar places...

Oct 11, 2011 23:47

It's been a few months since Emmeline woke up in this strange place, and despite the initial surprise and confusion, she's settled in and even established a routine. She's been taking walks on the grounds every day that she can, and the fresh air has done wonders for her health ( Read more... )

!closed post, who: sophie rackham, who: sugar

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crimson_sugar October 15 2011, 15:23:32 UTC
Sugar, on the other hand, has not been told unless Emmi got the news from Cal, in which case we can't imagine he wouldn't have told her.

She's on her way out for a walk of her own, her clothes a little more modern than Emmeline might expect, but still reminiscent of her era, and she is still, ah, she is still unmistakably Miss Sugar, if freer, happier, calmer, and.... three, almost four years older.

She'll just freeze, staring, eyes wide, when she spots Mrs. Fox.


non_foxy_widow October 18 2011, 05:25:26 UTC
As she turns away from the hatrack, Emmi's gaze lights on Sugar, and she too pauses in her tracks, her gaze curious, even quizzical, but somewhat concerned.

"Sugar...?" she asks. "Is it you?" There's no judgment, only puzzlement.


crimson_sugar November 2 2011, 17:29:18 UTC
It's a wonder Sugar doesn't squeak. Really. But her hand is on her mouth, eyes wide, and she's just... staring.

This is terrifying.

She takes a breath, and forces herself to find an answer.



non_foxy_widow November 6 2011, 03:10:37 UTC
"Don't be afraid: I'm startled myself." She pauses, then asks,This isn't...a dream, is it? You are here, with Sophie?" There's no rebuke, no anger, only a desire to understand.


crimson_sugar November 7 2011, 07:39:49 UTC
Sugar hesitates, this... is very disconcerting.

And in doubt... she lies.

"No," she says, "I am alone."


non_foxy_widow November 8 2011, 23:32:13 UTC
She frowns a little, concerned. "Did she arrive here with you and depart later? I've heard tell that some folk who came here have found their way home again," she asks, a bit warily herself.


crimson_sugar November 29 2011, 01:34:33 UTC
"Some do," she replies. "But if she were here, don't you think her governess would know?"

She takes a breath.


"What news of London?"


non_foxy_widow December 1 2011, 06:09:12 UTC
She pauses, weighing the question, then says, "Mr. Rackham was...at my door, looking for you; he'd even barged in without so much as a polite request." She's clearly unsure if she should broach this. "For what it might be worth, I do not blame you for leaving his service, for the way he treated you."


crimson_sugar December 17 2011, 20:32:12 UTC
Since Cal is the only person Sugar told about the miscarriage...

"Mr. Rackham," she says cautiously, "dismissed me on account of wishing for another sort of governess, Mrs. Fox."


non_foxy_widow December 18 2011, 05:17:58 UTC
"He clearly had his own interests in mind and not those of his daughter: Sophie was clearly happy with you, and she had begun to blossom under your care. I don't see how it could have been improved upon," she says, matter of factly.


crimson_sugar December 21 2011, 04:48:43 UTC
Sugar hesitates. She might stutter a bit. "So... you think..." she manages to stop herself.

PS: How about you join Meg and I in chat? <3


non_foxy_widow December 22 2011, 06:23:05 UTC
"I think that he did you a terrible wrong, but at least, he had the presence of mind to realize he had done wrong and that he made a move to rectify it, by searching for you," she says. "Whether or not he did this out of a true sense of remorse or out of embarrassment is something that only he knows."


crimson_sugar January 4 2012, 04:43:38 UTC
Sugar pauses, assesses, hesitates.

Then she finally stops fidgetting and says, softly..

"I'm not giving her up."


non_foxy_widow January 7 2012, 03:17:14 UTC
This statement confirms her hope that Sophie arrived here with her governess, and she relaxes as well. "I would not expect you to relinquish her," she says. "A child should be with someone who cares for her: the girl is all but orphaned without you to look out for her well-being."


crimson_sugar January 13 2012, 06:40:19 UTC
That relaxes Sugar a little - Mrs. Fox was kind to her, she reminds herself.

"... and her ... new father," she says softly.


non_foxy_widow January 15 2012, 06:53:47 UTC
"Do you mean Cal? I've met him: rather a gruff sort, but he's clearly devoted to you and to Sophie," she says, with a bit of a smile. "He'll keep you from harm."


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