
Oct 23, 2004 01:08

well, its been awhile since i've updated....not that theres ever a time when there isnt a l a r g e gap between my updates...but anyways. i was uber bored and so i thought to myself, self, why dont you read your friends livejournals since their lives always seem so much more interesting than your own! and there were actually a lot of updates, which made me really happy; and so, i found myself thinking, wow i wish i had a livejournal to write my own dumb little comments in- since those are all i seem to say. and then it hit me. O.MY.GOD. i DO have a livejournal! and i CAN write my own dumb little comments!!! ha ha, wow am i stupid sometimes. o well, so, since this seems to be the reason why youre reading this damned thing anyways, ill give you what you came for: my overdue update.

ok, thursday: i got fucking 100% on my math quiz!!!!!!!!!! thats the first 100% i've gotten in math in a gazillion years!!! woo hooo!!!!

Thursday again: BEN FUCKING FOLDS CONCERT with the Fooser (aka sydney) might i add, was the most AMAZING night of my life, nothing will ever beat that concert. it was just incredible. it was perfect. it was beautiful. it was amazing. it was awesome. it was fantastic.
but best of all
it was Ben Folds. <3

friday: not much, had school, and thats just normal, but lucy watched part of my rehersal after school and that was great fun! but she must think im a total lunatic now after watching us perform. o well, i guess in most cases i am a lunatic so there is some truth to the statement.

november 6- this is when fall festival is. im soooo excited!! i really really really hope we place, because that would be soooo awesome!
november 5- invitationals, where you invite people to come. so people that i actually want to watch can watch. that should be fun fun fun.

and of course, next week. next sunday.
Halloween is possibly the only day that has actual potential to beat the Ben Folds concert.
because Halloween will be one year.
one whole mother fucking year.
goddamn im starting to sound like megan. ; )
but seriously, Halloween...i just hope its all that i want it to be.
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