(no subject)

Oct 24, 2004 22:55

It was your average day in the Long Island Sound. Well, close to average anyways. Bob, a lobster, had just finished molting into his fifth stage of life. As a result of molting into his fifth stage, Bob began to sink to the bottom of the ocean, only to find it filled with rocks, making perfect nooks and crannies for him to live in. He began to crawl around a bit, looking for a good home. Within a few minutes he found one, and it was near then end of a miniature rock wall. “Good,” he thought, “If I get lost I can just look for this.” As Bob began adapting to his new environment, he found another lobster, one that looked just like him.

Bob found the courage to go crawl over and make friends. It turned out that the lobsters **** was Ishmael. Ishmael was also a lobster in his fifth stage of life, and had just molted the day before. Ishmael walked with Bob back to his new home, and the two of them discovered that they were neighbors. “This is amazing!” Bob exclaimed.

“Say, why don’t we explore together tomorrow. First thing in the morning” Ishmael said.

“Great idea!” replied Bob.

So the next day the two of them set out to explore. They found many other lobsters, but decided to stay away from them. As they crawled around, they found many lobsters that were past stage five. Some were even about a foot long. After about an hour, they came up on 2 lobsters fighting. One of the lobsters almost did a summersault, shooting sand towards the other, as a defense method. It however did not work. He then got hold of one of the lobster’s claws. The second lobster detached his claw, and crawled away as fast as he could. Neither Bob nor Ishmael had ever seen something like this happen. It was getting late and the two of them had to get home and eat.

As Bob was crawling inside his new, 1-day-young home, he wandered why he only saw a few stage five lobsters, and very little other lobsters. How ever he did notice that this watery atmosphere he was in was enclosed by sandy shores on most sides and that there were not many waves and currents. He also saw that the estuary that he was in contained sea grass, mud and sand flats, and open shallow waters.

So the next day, both Bob and Ishmael set out bright and early to go continue there exploration. Bob mentioned to Ishmael what he noticed about the number of other lobsters, and the two of them began a long discussion about it.

“Well it has been rather cold here lately. I wander if that has to do with the number of lobsters that hatch or survive” said Ishmael.

“Yes” agreed Bob. “I have been pretty cold too. It is also a possibility that there are chemicals in the water, or not enough oxygen. I’ve been noticing that the water tastes a little funny today.”

The two of them kept naming possibilities until they found a large net in the water. “Ooh, I’ve heard about those” said Bob. “Those are big nets that land creatures use to trap us. They take us above the water, and throw back the ones that they can’t eat. But no one knows how they make the decision of who they can eat. Let’s stay away.” And so they did just that. It was getting late and they decided to go back home.

And so Bob and Ishmael became great friends and they lived a long time. Then one day, they got into an argument, Ishmael had learned the sumersault method of defense, however it did not work and he was killed by Bob.

This story shows some of the details about the life of a lobster. It mentions survival techniques, details about the atmosphere, and adaptations that a lobster needs to make. It also talks about molting, a key part of a lobsters life. So in conclusion, we now know that a lobster doesn’t always have an easy life. There are obstacles, and problems that they need to get around, just like humans. And we also know more details about a lobster that I ever imagined I could learn.

~Mitchell Cantor Classics.
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