Weekend gist

Mar 15, 2004 00:50

well what can i say but work work work... work is taking over my weekends and its just... how should i say.. sucky. well man whenever i go to work its fun and junk its just man when i get out usually im too tired to do anything. had work friday, saturday, AND sunday.

i dont remember much from friday but here is my attempt:

friday:  school... sorta hot day.... went to work then picked up leah dearest  from the dance since i couldnt go she went and went to my grandmama's party woop where we ate then went wandering to find the other kids who went to the dance. sadly they went home so i headed to drop her off at home the end.

saturday: work 11-5 i was a tired boy that day... hhmm saw leah at work with janice and susan... i had leah walk pass me and i hit on her infront of my co-workers hahah it was funny my friend said i could have gotten fired but i told him that was my "breezy" and everything was alright. after work went back to my house with leah so i could change out of my uniform for work and then we headed to kenneths house. got to shoot his 2k2 timmy w/ debounce 1 on and it was one quick motherfucker no joke no joke; also got to shoot his matrix, i like both guns. the 2k2 cause its crazy fast and air efficent but i also like the matrix but its an air killer BOO. well whatever anywhoo after that leah kenneth and i went to jamba so i could get my ORANGE DREAM MACHINE and leah got some other crap. then kenneth and i parted and leah and i went to get some taco bell with some coupons. then we ate it at the mountain top and i took her home

sunday: church.... TODAI!!! saw my-hanh there con ella familia. went home took a one hour nap then went to work.... then you know how sundays are, crap

OK now for a part in the show i like to call on my mind: ok well i want a car.... and also i want a new paintball gun..... i dunno what to get?

PBGUNS: a black/ gray to black/ grey to pewter 2k2 timmy
CARS:new car i mean either a 240sx coupe se 89-94 or a 85-86 corolla gts

all mixed up and dont know what to do. naw what i mean?

cause i wanna make the factory seconds team w/ kenneth and thats the reason for me saving up for a new gat but i also want to start driving a manual car and what better one than the one i want. but, i guess if i can get past the try outs and make the team i can just hella bother my uncle for the car and paintball at the same time while saving up for a car on the side until i run my 300zx to the ground so i guess that would be a good compromise? or i could just say screw one of them and go with one thing well i dunno its getting late and ill probably start to ramble about junk well anyway im out like a mother fuck kids! later
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