Soooooooo cold

Dec 06, 2008 23:10

Jeeeez its bloody freezing !

I have been spending a fair bit of time engrossed in Fallout 3 for the past few days, it's not the usual game I would play as I have never had the patience for RPG's and I was not planning on getting this but saw it in Gamestation for £9.99 (lol yeah they had misspriced it) so thought I would give it a go, so far so good, I am loving the setting and I am slowly getting used to the gameplay.

When not playing on the 360 I have been reading The Rose Labyrinth by Titania Hardie its a really good read although I am not bothering with the riddles just enjoying the story, it has held some strange coincidences with its contents and recent things I have been interested in, mainly being the night before I started reading the book I had watched Elizabeth The Golden Age, the connection there being Dr John Dee.

I really enjoy coincidences like that, I think the best one ever though happend whilst reading The Seventh Sword.

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