Stolen from DemoMonkey

Mar 09, 2005 13:08

Top 10 Reasons Londinivm is Better Than Real Life

#10) Your daily work in Londinivm takes 2 minutes to complete. Thats 7 hours and 28 minutes less work than your real job.

(Unless you work for the government, in which case it's slightly more.)

#9) You can wear the same outfit every day and no-one cares. Hell, you can wear your UNDERWEAR every day and no-one cares.

#8) If someone annoys you, you can eviscerate them.

#7) Really, REALLY short commute.

#6) Your female peasants have to do whatever you say, if you know what I mean. Not like that snotty girl at the fudge shop who thinks she's too good for me. SHE WOULDN'T LAUGH AT ME IF SHE KNEW I WAS 10'TH LEVEL!!!!


Let's move on.

#5) Your bank account earns an interest rate 456.25 %. The only way to get that kind of return on investment in real life involves a long plane trip, a tube of lubricating jelly, and a ball of coca resin the size of a tangerine.

Please don't ask me how I know that.

#4) Did I mention that if someone annoys you, you can eviscerate them?

#3) Londinivm still 100% Michael Jackson free!

#2) The crime rate in Londinium is 117 times higher than in real life. However, when thieves mug you and leave you half-naked, unconscious and penniless in the gutter, they do fill your underwear with lavender potpouri and a coupon for a half-price boar burrito at 1100Donalds.

and the #1) reason Londinivm is better than real life...


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