Been a while since I updated so here goes. Current signature count is 804 and signed by people all around the globe. UK, USA, Australia, Asia, Europe and South America. The comments from people are especially interesting to read. I'm hoping with a little more plugging we might at least reach the 1000 signature mark but time grows short. I know
glory_jean wants to put this petition in the right hands and we do want to give the producers as much time as possible to make their decisions. I'm hoping with the popularity of the play they might already be considering filming the production.
The facebook page is getting popular too. We now have 280 people liking it and that slowly continues to build. Hopefully if we have success with our petition we can keep the page going with updates as to whats happening but that is all in the possible future.
I plan on sending another email to Sarah at to let her know the current standing of our petition. She's never actually answered any of my previous emails but hey no harm in keeping her informed. I have found out that on the david tennant forum the post about the petition has been moved from whats new to a more visable section under the Much ado about Nothing heading.
Thats about all for now. I'll keep plugging away with this while I can. If you have any new friends on your lj, twitter, tumblr lists please let them know about the petition so we can keep getting the word out there.