[fanfic; Kingdom Hearts] Snippets

Jun 14, 2010 02:38

Title: Snippets
Fandom: Kingdom Hearts
Characters: misc [see tags]
Rating: G
Word Count: 895
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the franchises or series posted about here nor am I making any profit from my works.
Prompt: meme - put your music player on shuffle, then write a drabble related to the first ten songs that play, writing only in the time frame of that song.
Originally Posted: 4/26/08
Notes: In the process of cleaning my LJ, I (yet again) found old drabbles that haven't been archived here. I apologize in advance for any flist spam that may occur in the next few days.

1 The Face of Lost Pride - FFVII: Crisis Core OST

Vexen slammed a fist against the cold lab table. How dare they mock him for his Riku replica's failure? They had no right - at least he was doing something about the intruders in the castle, unlike some high and mighty Nobodies that he could mention...

Taking a deep breath, Vexen calmed himself down. He'd take care of the situation. Yes. The replica could still come in handy in time. And then Marluxia and the others would learn their proper place.

2 I've Got No Strings - Pinocchio

Roxas stood out in the rain, staring back at the high white walls of the castle - the place he was finally rid off, the place he wouldn't go back to unless he got answers. His hair and clothes were soaked, but that didn't matter now. Just bring up a portal, a small wave of his hand, and he'd be gone. Done. And no one cared enough to stop him. Good riddance.

3 Summer - Vivaldi's Four Seasons

The days went by too quickly. Roxas kept forgetting to mark them off on his calendar, and before he knew it, the end was approaching. And what a wasted end it was. Nothing went right. Things were stolen, mysteries appeared and never were answered, promises were broken. Why didn't the world want things to go well for them?

But, the tiny voice in the back of Roxas's head said, look on the bright side! At least he got to spend time with his friends, right? Well, some of the time. Except for...ah, wait, no pessimism! That's the spirit.

Roxas shook his head, rolling over in his bed. Great. Now he was talking to himself. Maybe he should just give up now.

4. I Just Can't Wait to be King - The Lion King

"Larxene, you're just going to have to be patient."

"Aw, but that's no fun," Larxene whined, stretching out across Marluxia's lap and smiling coyly up at him. "I want it to be done now."

"But the chase is half the fun," Marluxia replied, running his fingers through Larxene's electric blonde hair. "Surely you agree."

"Mm, of course, but..." Larxene trailed off, sighing contentedly. "Oh, I suppose I can wait a little while longer. After all, what can go wrong?" Marluxia didn't answer, and Larxene frowned, sitting up a little more. "Don't worry, Marluxia. Nothing is going to go wrong."

5 I Fought in a War - Belle & Sebastian

"Cloud. We're here for you, never forget that."

Cloud was silent, staring off into the light blue sky that filled the open window. Aerith placed her hand on his.

"I can tell you're planning something. Something to do with Sephiroth."

His gaze shifted from the window to her face.

Aerith took a breath. "I'm not going to try and stop you. No matter how bad things look, just don't forget about us, okay?"

More silence. And then a nod. "Yeah."

6 Battle Without Honor or Humanity - Tomoyasu Hotei

Yuffie's shrill cry cut loud over the battlefield, matched only by the whistling of her giant shuriken as it flew through the air. She caught it on the return, whooping.

Flipping over another drove of Heartless, she took out a few with a couple well-placed kicks, slicing a third through the back. Around her, swells of Heartless moved forward, but she didn't care. This was her game now. And they were going down.

7 If I Were Gay - Stephen Lynch

"It's just to try it out, okay? It doesn't really mean anything."

Riku nodded, shifting awkwardly on the couch. Sora couldn't seem to meet his eyes.

"I mean, we've been so busy fighting Heartless and stuff, we haven't had time to...do normal teenage stuff."

"Can we just...do it?"

Sora swallowed nervously, finally looking at Riku. It was just a kiss. Just a kiss.

8 Roxanne - Moulin Rouge OST

Naminé sighed, touching the drawing on the table lightly. She couldn't do this anymore. It wasn't right. It wasn't her right to mess with his memories like this. And, as much as she wished it would go on forever, it couldn't. She had to tell him the truth.

But she didn't move from her chair. Not yet. She merely continued to look at the sketch, her most recent one, of a sweet boy with brown hair and a goofy smile. He was too nice to be involved in all of this. And she was tricking him. It had to end soon, or else she didn't know what she would do with herself.

9 Hunter - Dido

"I want to know, Axel! Why won't anyone tell me?"

Axel stared at Roxas, expression dark, arms crossed. "You don't need to know."

"Would you stop saying that? Why? I thought you were supposed to be my friend!"

Axel flinched, but only slightly. "I'm saying it because I'm your friend."

Snorting, Roxas pushed past the redhead, cursing under his breath. It wasn't fair. He was part of the group; he deserved the answers to the questions he asked. And no one was going to stop him from getting them, not even Axel.


But the Key of Destiny was too far gone to hear it.

10 Musicbox - Regina Spektor

"You really believe Xemnas has all the answers, then?"

Xigbar shrugged, glancing over at Luxord. "Why, you planning on mutinying if he doesn't?"

With a laugh, Luxord waved his hand lazily. "Just curiosity. What with the Oblivion problem and all that."

"Huh. It's a good question."

(character) naminé, (ship) slash, (character) sora, (character) cloud strife, (character) roxas, (ship) gen, (character) larxene, (fandom) kingdom hearts, (length) 100–600, (character) yuffie kisaragi, (rating) g, (character) marluxia, ! fanfiction, (character) xigbar, (character) axel, (character) aerith gainsborough, (challenge) meme, (character) riku, (character) luxord, (character) vexen

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