...is that I get to bitch about whatever I want. On that note, this is going to have lots of whining in it.
Life is going fairly well I guess; at least as well as one could expect. A typical day for me consists of going to school, drinking coffee, working on homework, going to work, playing video games for a few hours, going to sleep, and then repeating the whole thing. This semester has seem particularly repetitive...twice a week (Monday and Friday) I turn in Topology homework, while on Thursdays I have Algebra homework due. Monday is also the day that my Real Analysis homework is due. Every week I work on Algebra from Monday to Wednesday, then begin on Topology (usually on Thursday). Friday and Saturday usually see little homework being done, and so on Sunday I work on Topology and Real Analysis. This has been my schedule for the whole semester, and my life revolves around it. I had an Analysis test Monday. It was four questions that were to be completed in 50 minutes. They were all proof-based, and I think that I got an A, if not a 100 (stupid absolute value signs...). My predictions for grades are as follows: Analysis - A, Topology - A, Algebra - B. My average in Algebra is probably about a 40, but so is everyone else's so I can't really speculate that well.
My Algebra professor (
John Tate) has assigned a paper on the last day of class, the subject of which we are allowed to choose freely. However this means that I have to find time to independently research a mathematical topic. It looks like I'm going to do some work with
p-adic number, as it was the easiest thing to wrap my head around.
I don't understand the way things are going...I work harder than probably 90% of undergrads, yet it seems as though I'm unable to distinguish myself from among all other (particularly mathematics) undergrads. I've learned a lot of stuff, and yet I still have doubts that I'll get into
one of the
two grad schools in which I am most interested. Regardless, I'll be happy when the semester is over.
I get to take graduate Algebra next semester, with my favorite professor no less.
^^Technically not a paragraph (thanks Chrissie).
Thursday has become my drinking night, and I've grown to love beer of all types. I'm not sure what my problem was previously. However, last week I went to Posse East (bar) and forgot my debit card. I know some of the guys there so they still have it, but I've yet to get it back, and I still have an open tab...ridiculous. Haven't been smoking lately, and at times like this I don't really miss it.
I can't find anyone to play disc golf with in Austin, as ridiculous as that sounds. I guess science-types aren't interested in that kind of thing. This leads me to my next idea: somebody needs to start visiting me, if for no other reason than disc golf :)
My job is too easy. Apparently about 1% of the population of the US is good at doing math problems, so I've already got one raise, and am about to get another one in about a week or two, so that's cool. I get to deal with a lot of stuff like SAT math problems which I have never seen before, and it's fun for me to try to solve all those different problems. However, I'm paid to make these things look easy, and I do that very well, if I may say so myself.
A few evenings ago I couldn't sleep, and though I was in bed at 11:30 or so, I didn't get to sleep until about 3:30 am. This offended me on the most primal level, so I decided that the only way to make sure this didn't happen again would be to start hitting the weights again. I did a full chest/shoulder/triceps workout, and then ran a mile directly afterwards. If I approach these activities with the idea that I should leave all my energy out there, I should see significant results. I think I'm going to start playing soccer, because my roommate thinks he's good, and I would like nothing more than to show him up.
I may be coming back to Fort Worth for the summer, but I'm still hammering out the details. I get to make my schedule for fall tomorrow...my classes will be: Analysis II, Algebra (graduate), Differential Equations.
Forza Palermo