It's official...dotted the Ts, crossed the Is, and signed on the dotted line: I'm going back to Australia on September 24.
For the Words! meme from approximately forever ago,
sparkfrostgave me:
Scare me a lot more than vampires, to be completely honest (but not as much as people infected with the Rage Virus). I mean, if one assumed that both creatures actually existed, and that vampires aren't tortured poets or sparkly and were actually blood-thirsty killing machines and ate us, zombies would be a Fuck Me Sideways on a scale of one to ten, whereas vampire would probably be around an Oh Fuck.
I have a zombie plan. If you don't, I pity you, and will try to save you when the ravening hordes overrun the land, but don't hold your breath.
I play it occasionally. I have it tattooed on my wrist. I own two (one currently in the custody of my drummer, the other on its stand behind me).
I am not to the level of sarcasm-fu as many of my peers, but I get by.
I'm a Kiwi. Well, half. I identify a lot more strongly with my Kiwi side than my Australian side, despite living in Australia for longer. I'm pretty proud of my country, most of the time. And kiwi fruit is most nom.
Part of my mission in DC (alongside hanging out with
sparkfrost and having a holiday and seeing fireworks) was to stage an intervention for
sparkfrost regarding...I forget what, actually, but I think I remember it having something to do with the Jonas Brothers and/or Lady GaGa. No intervention actually took place, but two of our bandmates and myself did end up stalking her through the judicious use of AIM, which counts for something somewhere at some point, I suppose.