Jersey Boys

Feb 07, 2009 15:07

This is the sequel to Fragmented Pieces.  Here is the chapter list.

Hello! This is the sequel to Fragmented Pieces. You need to read that one first or else this one won't make much sense. You can find the link on my profile. This story is a long time coming. When I first started thinking about writing a sequel, this wasn't even close to what I had planned. But I finally decided to go this route and I'm enjoying it. I think it's a good story and I'm hoping that you all think so, too! So, please read and review and updates should happen somewhat quickly (the story is entirely mapped out and the first three chapters have been written!) Thanks everyone!!!

Chapter One - Big Man In Town

“Charles? It’s Robert Chase.” Chase said, speaking into the phone. He was sitting in an empty locker room, hoping that House didn’t decide to come looking for him. He was late.

“Robert! How are you doing? I haven’t heard from you in awhile.” Came the jovial voice of Robert’s old friend, the manager of the Gershwin Theater.

“Doing well, thanks. How are you?”

“Great! Never better. You still dating your boss?” he chuckled. Chase chuckled, too.

“Yep. That’s actually why I’m calling. Our anniversary is coming up. I want to get tickets to Jersey Boys. I was hoping to call in another favor. It’s sold out for the next two months.” Chase told him.

“What date?” Charles asked. Chase felt himself melt a little in relief, he was really counting on this. Chase told him and Charles told him he’d call him back in a few minutes. Chase fidgeted, he was really late. Not that House would be angry, but he’d be curious and sometimes that was worse. Especially when he was planning an anniversary date.

Not even ten minutes later, his phone rang. “Okay, just show up and ask for Dave. You guys will sit in the manager’s box.” Charles told him.

“Thank you! Next time you need a physical or something, let me know and I’ll do it for free. I owe you!” Chase gushed. Charles laughed again. They spoke for another minute, making plans to do lunch sometime soon.

Chase was pleased with himself. The Jersey Boys had been featured on the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade and House had commented that he’d like to see it. Chase didn’t know that much about Frankie Valli and had made the mistake of admitting that to House. For nearly two months they listened to nothing other than the Four Seasons (the originals, of course).

They were good though. House did have good taste in music. He grabbed his bag and his jacket and hurried up to Diagnostics. “You’re late.” House said, without looking up when Chase entered the room. He was playing something on his game boy. Mario, by the sounds of it.

“I was on my way up, when I remembered a chart I hadn’t finished.” he lied smoothly. It was disturbing how good he was getting at lying to House. He leaned over and gave House a kiss.

“Paperwork is a lame excuse for being late.” House told him. Chase knew he wasn’t mad, he just liked to pick fights. It’s who he was.

“I’ll buy dinner tonight.” Chase offered. He bought dinner every night, but it worked. House grinned and looked up. He grabbed his cane and pushed himself up.

“I want Thai.” he said, brushing past him. Chase shook his head, suppressing a laugh. It was Friday. They always had Thai on Friday.

Once they were home and dinner was long gone, Chase brought it up. “Our anniversary is next week.” he ventured, over a commercial during Spongebob.

“It’s next Wednesday.” House clarified. Chase hid a smile. House could be a bastard, but he also could be the greatest man in the world. At least in Chase’s world.

“Yeah. I was thinking...maybe we could go out for a nice dinner. In the city.” he said, preparing himself for whatever his reaction might be.

“I already cleared the day with Cuddy.” he said. Chase couldn’t hide the smile that spread across his face. He leaned over and kissed him.

“I love you, you know that?” Chase said, pleased with him.

House feigned innocence. “Nope.” He turned to face Chase, leaning in very close. “You better show me how much...” he emphasized the word by grabbing Chase’s crotch and making him gasp. “ love me.”

House leaned in as if to kiss him, but kept back. Chase could feel his breath on his face and tried to wait for House to close the gap. But he didn’t close it fast enough and Chase leaned in, sealing their lips together. House got up first and pulled Chase by his tie in to the bedroom.

* * *

Chase and House slept in the next day. They both had weekends off, even though this weekend Chase was on-call. On Saturdays, House and Chase went to see Rosie. She was doing well in the home. The home she was in had private teachers and Rosie was learning how to read, write, and do math.

Usually, they stayed in and played with her, read to her, and Chase would go get a special lunch and they would all eat together. Today, however, they were planning on taking her out. Chase had seen a store called Build-A-Bear and wanted to take her.

Chase rolled over lazily, the sun warming him, and opened his eyes. House wasn’t there and Chase groaned, disappointed. He had wanted to snuggle with the older man before getting out of bed. He sat up and smelled coffee, so he got out of bed and headed to the kitchen.

House was sitting at the table, sipping coffee, eating a pop-tart, and reading the paper. Chase’s coffee cup was sitting next to the pot and the bagels had been taken out of the fridge. Chase kissed the top of House’s forehead, poured himself some coffee and started fixing a bagel. Then he sat down at the table, too.

It took them awhile to get going, they showered together and got dressed, finally heading out the door about 10 a.m. They arrived at the home and the secretary greeted them cheerfully. “Dr. Chase! Dr. House! Rosie’s in the playroom waiting for you. She hasn’t been able to sit still all morning.” she told them as Chase signed them in.

“We’re going to take her out today, Kelly. Where do I sign her out?” Chase asked. Kelly pulled out a sign out sheet and handed it to him. Chase thanked her and filled everything out.

“Where are you guys taking her?” she asked.

“Build A Bear and lunch.” House replied. Kelly beamed.

“She is one lucky little girl to have you two. She’ll have a blast. I’ve taken my own kids a couple of times and they love it there!” she said, taking back the sheet and checking to make sure everything was filled out properly. When she was done, she looked up, smiled, and wished them fun today.

They headed into the playroom and immediately Rosie flew to them. “Robbie! Greg!” she cried, throwing herself into Chase’s arms and hugging him tightly. He hugged her back and kissed her. He was so glad that they had moved her here.

“Hi Rose! How are you? Were you a good girl this week?” Chase asked her, setting her back on the ground. She moved over to House and he leaned down to hug her. She was much gentler than she was with Chase, she worried about him.

Rosie nodded vigorously to the question Robert had asked her. “I read a whole book by myself!” she proclaimed proudly.

“That’s wonderful!” Chase praised her and House patted her on the head. “Would you like to go out today?” he asked her.

Her eyes lit up. “Really?” she said. She ran to her room to get her sweater and Chase followed her, leaving House standing there. They were back quickly. Chase picked up Rosie, carrying her on his hip and they were off. Chase drove them all to the mall and parked in a handicapped space.

Rosie was so excited she was literally bouncing up and down. When they got inside the mall, he knelt down to her level. “Rosie, I know you’re excited, but you have to slow down. I promise we’ll get there, but Greg doesn’t go that fast, okay?” She ducked her head.

“I’m sorry Greg.” she apologized.

“It’s okay. What do you say you and I make our own teddy bears?” House said, reaching for her hand with the one not occupied by a cane. She grinned and took his hand and they walked slowly through the mall.

When they arrived at the store, Rosie’s eyes became wide. She stood outside the door, staring, and both House and Chase chuckled. House gently tugged on her hand and led her into the store. A smiling girl approached them. “Hello! Welcome to Build-A-Bear! Have you ever been here before?” she addressed all three of them, finally settling her gaze on Rosie.

Rosie shook her head and shrank back behind House. She was a little shy in public. Chase placed his hands on her back and led her back out. He left his hands on her shoulders in support of her. The girl smiled patiently at the little girl.

“Well, here’s what you’re going to do.” She smiled, undeterred by the shy child. She quickly explained the process, pointing out the stations along the way. “Does that sound like fun?” she asked. Rosie kept quiet, looking down at her feet.

“I think it does.” House said, heading to the wall of stuffed animals. He began walking down the row, looking at all the animals. Cautiously, Rosie followed him. She trusted him as much as she trusted her brother. Rosie stepped forward quickly, grabbing on to his hands, looking but not picking out anything. House picked up a scruffy looking dog and made kissing noises at Rosie, making her giggle.

Soon, she saw a stuffed bunny and picked it up. She turned to Chase, “I like this one.” she said quietly.

“Good choice!” Chase praised her and she beamed, hugging the un-stuffed bunny close to her chest.

“I’m going to get the dog.” House decided. He handed her the animal. “Will you carry it for me?” he asked her. She nodded and took the animal and then she turned to her brother.

“Robbie, which one are you going to get?” she asked. Chase had seen her gaze lingering on a teddy bear. He reached for it and when he saw her smile, he knew he had made the right choice.

They went over to where another girl was sitting, stuffing a panda for a little boy. They waited and when it came their turn, Rosie was asked to step on the pedal. She became a little frightened and Chase showed her quickly and then she was okay, as long as both men were close.

The girl stuffing the animals chatted pleasantly with them. She tried her hardest to coax conversation out of Rosie, but having been so sheltered her whole life, she was painfully shy. The girl looked up to Chase and smiled sincerely. “I’m guessing that you’re Daddy? She looks just like you.”

“Actually, I’m her brother.” The girl’s gaze moved to House, but before she could put her foot in her mouth and anger House, Chase jumped in. “And this is my partner.”

Her smiled never wavered. “Well, that’s very kind of both of you to bring her here.” She turned to Rosie again. “Is this your first time here?” she asked. This time, Rosie nodded.

“I used to live in ‘Stralia, but then Robbie took me here.” she said. House and Chase exchanged a look. She rarely spoke when spoken to, this was a good sign.

“Australia!” The girl said. “Wow! Do you like it here?” she asked.

“Mmm-hmm. I get to be with Robbie and Greg.” she said. The girl smiled kindly at her.

“You’ve got a pretty cool big brother.” The girl agreed, smiling at Chase. He smiled back at her. Once all three animals had been stuffed and their hearts put in, they moved on. They let Rosie give each animal a ‘bath’ and let her pick out a couple of outfits. They named all three animals, Chase paid for them, and they headed out. They continued on through the mall and went to a restaurant that had a fifties theme.

When they took Rosie back, she got teary. She always got teary when they left her, the guys were getting used to it by now. Chase asked her to keep his bear with her for him and she agreed, hugging the bear tightly. She hugged her brother and House and they bid her goodbye and headed out.
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