I posted this to my own journal one week ago but I'd like to share this with you guys. :)
Here's my very first tutorial, so don't be cruel. ;) I made this for Paint Shop Pro 9 but I believe it's easy to translate to another versions and programs (like photoshop cs). Feedback would be nice!
1. Choose your base. I have here scene from Garden State.
2. Duplicate it and set it to SCREEN 50%. If your picture is very dark you can add more screen layers when it looks better.
3. Add a new layer (Layers >> New Raster Layer) and fill it with dark blue. I chose this time #070430. Add it to EXCLUSION 100%.
4. Merge all your layers (Layers >> Merge >> Merge All). Copy the base (Ctrl+C) and past it above the base layer (Ctrl+L). Set it to SOFT LIGHT 100%.
5. Add a new layer between the base and soft layer. Fill it with a light blue colour (#cdf7fd) and add it to BURN 100%. Duplicate it ONCE.
6. Merge the layers.
7. This is maybe the hardest thing to explain in this tut. It's same what _seeing_red used in
this tutorial. Anyways, I'll explain it by myself. :)
Go to Enhance Photo >> Atomatic Contrast Enhancement. This Enhance Photo should be in your Photo Toolbar. (If you don't see it go to some grey area and
righ-click your mouse. Chose Toolbars >> Photo.)
Set it like this:
Go again to Enhance Photo. Chose this time Automatic Saturation Enhancement.
And change it like this:
8. Now your icon should look something like this.
9. Then I added this gorgeous light texture from
And set it to SOFT LIGHT 100%. Duplicated it ONCE and set it to SCREEN 50%. Merge all.
10. Add a new layer and fill it with black colour #000000. Take a Selection Tool and select the area which you want to erase (Ctrl+X to cut and Ctrl+D to select none). Remember to set the Feather between 6-12. I used 12.
11. Almost finished. I added a small text brush. It's from
amethystia. You can add whatever you want.
12. Now it's finished.
Other samples: