[There is a click and weird pinkish blob over the screen. The sound of a small crash can be heard. The camera view bobs around, up and down and flips about. There’s another crash, and you can see a blurry vision of Jim diving after the camera… hands closing on it with a squish.]
MORPH! Morph! Stop it! You’re going to break it! Com--- OW!
Read more... )
I don't know what this Christmas crap is either.
[a pause]
If you want Dog, just ask, idiot.
So much for keeping things private. Where was your head, Jim...
I don't want Dog. Morph's bored though... I think... Whatever...,
We have to give people gifts? What the heck is that about?
Bored? Looks like he's pissed off.
[a long pause and he sighs]
Yeah. It's some Island thing, I guess. Like the party thing. If you don't do it, I bet you get punished.
[another long pause, staring at the screen now, with sharp black eyes]
Not Dog, huh?
Don't know what he'd be pissed off about-- [You can hear him mimicking Gareki in the background, a chorus of '...he's pissed off... he's pissed off... he's pissed off' really fas and high pitched, then a PFFFPppggh of a tongue and a pink flash zoomed off somewhere else.]
... [Jim is seen ROLLING his eyes hard, sighing deep and deflating a bit, eyes looking off to the side.]
Yeah... punished. Great. I gotta figure out who this... er... person is. Who'd you get? You doing it? I...
ah... Dog? Eh... I suppose I'd like to see him...
Someone called Kagome. Guess I'll do some research on the LP and try to figure something out. Nai and I are going out shopping tomorrow...
[there's a long pause]
You can babysit Dog if you want.
[another pause, then a noise and expression as if he's about to speak. more silence, then he finally talks]
Hey, space boy. Do you remember how you learned to read?
Yeah, sure... if you need someone to look after Dog and all, sure. I'm... sure it will make Morph happy.
[After a blink and a long pause, his features changed a bit, suddenly looking a bit more home sick then he did just a moment before... He'd been feeling really badly homesick the last few weeks.]
To read? Um... my mom taught me...
[there's a slightly sharp look at that]
Dog is fine with me! But you said you missed him.
[he glances away from the sudden kicked puppy look and shrugs his shoulders]
Yeah. I got taught early. [a pause] I've gotta teach Nai to read, and I don't remember how I learned, that's all!
[Blinks at that, about Dog, and frownes, sitting up now, hair falling into his face as he hovers over the screen, looking down at it in his lap now instead of at the look he had before]
Don't get snappy man, I didn't say I missed him. Morph misses him.
[With a gruff sound, he reached a hand up and rubbed at his face a bit, trying to forget his thoughts.] Whatever... okay. Yeah well, it's not too hard. Just find him some training books? There's other kids on this rock... they might be studying something or other too. Book stores... I'd guess.
[All said with out looking at him...]
[a bit of a huff at that, really, and he rolls his eyes again]
Tch. Whatever. Bring that stupid Morph over and he can see Dog. Have you been eating properly?
[there's another pause, and he makes a remarking noise] Right. I was thinking of getting some books or something. I'd rather do it myself than send him with a bunch of kids.
Yeah, sure... I'll bring him over sometime or something. When you're not too busy...or something.
Ah, yeah. Better to keep your eye on him all the time huh? Yeah... I suppose that's a good idea. Not that letting him interact with other kids his mental level wouldn't be a bad idea. . . but eh, either way. I'm sure you'll do fine teaching him some form of language or another.
[pauses and shakes his head, glancing off to the side]
He speaks nonsense. He said he has good luck because I was here when he showed up. So he wants to get me something 'lucky,' whatever that means.
[he pushes a hand through his hair a bit, displacing his goggles so they fall over one of his eyes]
You have no idea how that little brat wanders.
[Sighs, just glancing down flatly at the screen again, no expression.]
Maybe he's bored easy. Give him something to do. Let him go meet people. It's not like he can disappear here.
[there's a long pause while he stares appraisingly at the screen, trying to figure out what the hell is wrong with Jim and why he's giving him attitude]
Yeah, well. Did you see what happened to Ritsuka? I don't want to risk it.
[there's another long pause]
What the hell is your problem today, anyway?
Ah... yeah. I saw. Still... [Trails off at that. Just nods then.]
Nothing... I'm fine. Just... not feeling my best is all.
[sighs deeply, and rubs at his forehead under the goggles a bit]
Yeah. Right. You've got an attitude.
I ain't got an attitude! I told yas... I'm not feeling that great. I got Morph having fits at me, and that dang elf thing showed up in the middle of my shower this morning. That's. It.
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