
Nov 22, 2006 21:14

Okay so today mike was being a complete dueche bag
and i have to say it really pissed me off
but oh well ill get over it
i alwayss doo =]
yahh but idk thanksgiving is tommorw
soo im going to hang out with my friends today
montana is always bussy these day to busy to hang out
with me and everytime i do ask her to hang out she
says she will call me back but never does
&& when i do call her seeing if she knows yet
she always doing something else with someone
so im bascially sad cause she never hangs out with nemore
yah but its all good cause allison can hang out today
idk i might go to a spirt game with them
i just need moneyy
hmmmm idkk
im waiting for vince to get home
what a dueche... i wonder where he is
i have to clean my room and vaccum
i should probably start because vince said
i cant leave till i do that
& allison said she is on her way to hang out
so yahh idkk
comment bitches
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