Clarissa. 23. Isle of Man
Just finished MA.
Living back at home for a little while whilst I figure out what Life Means.
Or something?
75 images total.
March 20th, my fourth ADIML.
Here was my first in Barcelona in December 2008, and my
second on May 1st in London and the Isle of Man in 2009, and my third
in June 2009 in Toronto.
UGH. I love bed. And I officially hate being awake/conscious.
Any time before midday is way way too early :(
Clean & Shiny.
I decide to take ages drying my hair so I can laze in bed and...
... check Livejournal!! Ah LJ. Sweet sweet LJ.
Time check.
My MA Intelligence Dissertation. Bound and ready to post to a guy in London who owns a publishing company and who's writing a book about Cambridge spy Guy Burgess, the same topic as my own labour of love.
That sweet dark aromatic abyss known as Black Coffee. Hello, Breakfast!
Mumsy. We're picking up her boyfriend so we can take him for a walk. Because all good men-owners need to take their men out to stretch their legs and get a bit of fresh air, right?
He was a good boy, so we gave him some man-biscuits too.
Walksies time at Groudle Glen & Railway!
They were digging up part of the track on the Old Groudle Railway for unspecified purposes, and the little mini victorian steam train they were using to lug all their gear was called 'Walrus'.
We go for a walk along the old Groudle Railway at least once a week. At the end of the track there used to be some sort of crazy aquarium-zoo-pool thingy with Sea Lions and a Polar Bear back in 1896, but it closed at the start of WW1.
And back into Douglas, the capital, to go to Subway for lunch.
Not shown: going to Subway and having to wait 20 minutes whilst about 30 young greasy chav-boys ordered sandwiches.
And then the long drive to the other end of the Island to visit my grandparents. Which automatically means Lady Godga.
Still so snowy up here!! It hasn't snowed in weeks, but in the hills it still sticks.
And to Sulby Resevoir to eat lunch.
Chicken Teriyaki Salad Bowl. Hmmmmm. Every single saturday is the exact same.
My Tiny Old Grandparents.
A photo I found in my grandpa's desk draw of him from WW2.
Lots of creepy tools in the garage?
Not shown: the 40 plus old tatty ladies handbags that my grandfather collects from the rubbish skip and keeps hung up in his garage...
Fail :(
Giant Bumbly Bee!! Does this mean it's Spring finally? I miss Winter already.
Every single Saturday my grandparents insist that they drive back down the Island with us, allllll the way.
And they insist on driving infront of us. At 15 mph.
Right at this moment, there are 9 cars behind us attempting to overtake and beeping their horns.
Every. Single. Saturday.
Finally in Laxey, so almost home... right ahead you can see Snaefell, the Island's tallest mountain.
I don't normally buy jars of honey and multiple bars of 90% cocoa solid chocolate... i'm baking today and Monday!
Thanks for the Snack, Mumsy!
My new favourite genius baking book. All the recipes are low in calories and fat, and instead of butter and sugar, ground almonds and various vegetables are used.
For example, Port Mary Scones use 200g of COURGETTE.
I'm grating courgette... thinking this is going to be so awful.
But actually, the scones turn out weirdly better than normal scones.
Glace Cherries! Om nom.
Quite blatantly could have done with Clotted Cream... but Butter and Raspberry Jam sufficed. GLORIOUS SCONE.
Ok, so time to laze in bed again. Turning the electric blanket riiigghhtttt up.
Yes, i'm 23 and I use an electric blanket. I'll never stop. I'm so toasty warm.
Leftovers for dinner! I made a beef mince onion and carrot hotpot yesterday, with sweet potato on top instead of ordinary potato... and these were the leftovers. Comfort Food.
I've just started watching Mad Men a few days ago... not sure I like it? I kinda really do, but at the same time sometimes it just makes me quite sad for poor Betty Draper.
But i'll keep watching. Christina Hendricks has fantastic breasts.
Effy B!
OH HAI THAR DANIEL GRAYSTONE. Why yes, you are a sexy mofo.
The ORIGINAL Marty McFly, I recently found out.
This website, Days With My Father... made me WEEP. A lot. A serious amount.
And because i'm doing ADIML, I feel honour bound to capture just how weepy I am with my camera.
Yes, i'm crying all over the internet. Feel free to judge!
So I make myself feel better with another sneaky 11:30pm Scone...
... and Hot Chocolate in my London mug. MISS YOU, LONDON :(
Can't believe I had to move. Still so sad.
I'm currently re-reading the Dune saga, since i've not read it in a few years.
The Spice must flow, and all that jazz.
The last thing I see before sleep, my nice newly decorated bedroom wall. Sigh. The mark of someone who has come home from University after a lifetime of being away, only to find a Time Warp in their childhood room which requires decoration.
Also the mark of someone who unfortunately has to stay at home for the next year whilst they save money.
Le sigh.
Why doesn't money grow on trees? Why do things cost money? Why did I have to move from LONDON to the Isle of Man?
Why why why?
Why can't I have another Port Mary Scone...
Nighty night.