adiml; may 1st in london and the isle of man

May 05, 2009 22:37

Hello my dears...another ADIML whilst I was off home for the weekend!!

Clarissa. 22. King's College London MA Student. Visiting Home (the Isle of Man) for the Weekend to see the Old Mumsy and Regain a Little Peace & Quiet!

May 1st, my second ADIML. Here was my first in Barcelona!

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Comments 6

maraudersaffair May 5 2009, 22:06:25 UTC
Wait, hold up.

Your home is called The Isle of Man? How fucking awesome is that! So, I guess you went to school in London? You grew up on a fucking isle? WHAT THE FUCK.

I am so jealous. :|

And they serve beverages in actual cups on your flights? *RAGE* lol

Love the shoes, love your parents. So great to see your life. :D


nomorefrostbite May 5 2009, 22:14:49 UTC
I did my BA at Keele, in Staffordshire... and my MA is at King's College London in (unsurprisingly) London. But I did grow up on the IOM, yeah :( IT IS QUITE LIKE AZKABAN ALCATRAZ.

They serve beverages in actual cups in most flights? What do they serve drinks in over there? On VLM flights we got a boiled sweet at the start of the flight, then free sandwiches and hot drinks and cold drinks, then a chocolate, then another sweet! It was quite nice. I usually fly Flybe which I haaattteeee, but VLM were fantastic.

LOVE MY MUM!! FEEL FREE!! But don't love my dad. He's such a dick. Meh. I should have just got the bus home from the airport, but I thought it'd be ok to call my dad and maybe we could go for lunch or something, but he just bitched and moaned the entire drive home then dumped me at my mum's house and drove off to go drinking and gambling as per usual.


maraudersaffair May 6 2009, 23:44:27 UTC
They don't serve food and all the drinks are in plastic cups. What did your dad bitch and moan about?


nomorefrostbite May 6 2009, 23:54:19 UTC
Oh, the usual. His life. How hhhhaaarrrrddddd it is (it really isn't). How he has no money and is so skint (he gets a ridiculously good pension considering he's done not very much his entire life, and he doesn't pay rent since he lives in a large house with his hardworking girlfriend and at her expense). How the weather is making his arthritic hands swell.
How tough it is to be him in general. The entire world revolves around him and his emo.

Basically the same stuff he bitches and moans about every time I see him.


misore May 6 2009, 04:11:58 UTC
Things you should know:

1. You are sexy!
2. and awesome!
3. The Land of Manx looks so enticing and peaceful.
4. I want to live in your kitchen (of course if you could make me awesome shrimp while I'm there THAT would make it sooo much better).
5. Let's have Chinese!


nomorefrostbite May 6 2009, 12:44:02 UTC


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