FANMIX & WALL: Supernatural: Dean Winchester/Castiel: "The Beginning is the End is the Beginning."

Nov 03, 2008 21:10

This is cracktastic, romantic, ridiculous, over-dramatic, and apocalyptic. And I love them.

{the beginning is the end is the beginning):
a dean winchester/castiel lovely apocalypse fanmix.}

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creativity: wallpapers, creativity: fanmix, spn: castiel loves dean, spn

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nomorefrostbite November 3 2008, 22:56:20 UTC
OMG ILU. But yes, I think MU isn't working too well, so am in the process of uploading it to sendspace... 17 minutes to go!

They are so in love and you need to make icons. Because you make the best icons.


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nomorefrostbite November 3 2008, 23:06:12 UTC
You friending me clearly MAKES MY LIFETIME. Because you're the greatest iconner of Tosh in all the 'verse and i'm HONOURED. HONOURED I SAY, to even be able to swim in the glory that is you.

And that just made no sense and yet that is how excited I am by this occurence.


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nomorefrostbite November 3 2008, 23:13:08 UTC
What can I say, i'm an epic lying liar who lies IN LOVE. ♥♥♥

I feel like I need to change my header to Dean/Castiel. This is how overcome I am. What I should really do is change it to Remus Lupin but CASTIEL IS SO PRETTY GAH.
BSG isn't back for ages :(


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nomorefrostbite November 3 2008, 23:23:43 UTC
No, no. Please don't stop. My skills are INSIGNIFICANT and undeserving of discussion really. And I really ought to one day purchase and learn how to use Photoshop or some other equivalent programme. Being in the dark ages is altogether very dark indeed.


I need to think hard hard thoughts about this new header I need to be making. Hard hard sexual thoughts.


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nomorefrostbite November 3 2008, 23:40:56 UTC
Now YOU are the lying liar made of lies!!

I can't icon for shit anymore, and my stuff is all a bit overwhelmingly amateurish. I make do, and I get by enough to not be totally ashamed of my makings, but still... I have no misplaced illusions of grandeur! I can reel off at least 20 superb artists on lj right off the top of my head who put me to utter shame!

I doubt i'll ever have Photoshop in my hands. I'm far too allergic to changing technology! I still use iPhoto Plus 4 like some Cave Woman! HA ULEAD WTFEVER! I've been using it since before Laptops even became the norm!


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nomorefrostbite November 3 2008, 23:58:22 UTC
NO YOU MUST POST YOURS. I insist upon it.

If anyone, you'll win at the Not Being Made of Crack whereas I completely fail.

iPhoto Plus 4 is modest and awesome too!! So modest and awesome that it's main function is actually to resize photographs and take away Red Eye. Oh dear.

Not only do your magnificent icon skills bring a tear to my eye, but your kindly yet untrue words do too. SNIFF.


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nomorefrostbite November 4 2008, 00:21:08 UTC
Just imagine how sexy the sexy angels will be when they CRY OVER DEAN'S BODY IN SOME SORT OF GRIEF. But clearly Dean will be ok. Because there can be no future for the show without Dean's sexy arse and mad skills.


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happy endings are just stories that haven't finished yet. nomorefrostbite November 4 2008, 00:45:43 UTC
Oh DON'T EVEN SAY THAT. I don't want to be concerned about that.

No no, it shall all go down just as detailed in the above Mix:
Dean and Castiel shall fall in love.
Dean and Castiel shall have raucous sexings.
Apocalypse Nowish.
Dean and Castiel fight in the Apocalypse side by side.
Castiel appears to die and Dean cries over his body in Most Epic Episode Ever.
Season Finale occurs and Castiel returns to tell Dean that ANGELS OF THE LORD JUST DON'T DIE.

Why don't Angels die? Because I am thinking wishfully and am engaging in some sort of sordid Happy Ever After fantasy land.

Known also as 'denial'.


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